First and foremost, thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving my book a chance. To those who have supported me from the very beginning or just started reading it a week ago, I am eternally grateful. Every read, every upvote, every comment and every bit of love you've shown means the world to me.
This is my first-ever full-fledged book and I still can't believe I've come this far. I completed the book!
When I started writing, I didn't have any big plans. I just wanted to reclaim a part of myself that had been lost amidst the pressures of academic life. And trust me when I say this- I found where I truly belong.
Some might wonder, what's so special about this book? It's a simple story with a typical romance plot- maybe even considered basic by some. But to me, it's special.
What makes this book special is the warmth and happiness it brings. I believe those who read it felt that too. Whether it was when Nandini Maa cared for Samyukta as her own daughter or when Abhimanyu and Samyukta stood by each other and themselves, there were moments that touched the heart. Moments that reminded us of what we all crave deep down- a healthy, supportive family, a partner who stands by us and a life free from toxicity.
Through this book, I wanted to create a world where happiness thrives. A world where couples support and heal each other, where families encourage personal and professional growth and where love and understanding prevail. While it may not always reflect reality for everyone, it's a little slice of a dream- a dream that gives us hope and comfort.
I have no regrets about writing this story. Instead, I feel proud that my readers got to live, even if only through fiction, a happy and fulfilling life full of love, trust, and support.
To my readers, thank you for being a part of this journey. Your support has been my greatest motivation and I hope to bring you even more stories and characters you'll cherish forever.
Keep Samyukta and Abhimanyu in your hearts and thank you, once again, for everything.
Okay, too much emotional, aren't we? Let's do a fun QUESTION & ANSWER SESSION!
Use the wall comment section to answer the following questions:
1.ย Favourite chapter
2. Favourite scene 3. Favourite dialogue 4. Favourite romantic scene 5. The scene you'll never forget 6. Scope of improvement (I'm sure there are many๐ ) 7. Anything you wanna say about the book 8. Anything you want to say or ask me 9. Anything you wanna say to Abhimanyu and Samyukta 10. Last note (If any)
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