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We're trending at #1 in the Top 10 in India, today.ย 

Yesterday, we're trending at #4.ย 

I'm genuinely so proud of my love readers! I just got to know we're at #1. I just cannot believe this. You guys made it possible. I'm so so so proud of you all. This feeling is so so surreal. I'm truly grateful to you people. You've made this possible. I'm literally crying!!!

Enjoy the chapter!

Author's POV

It's been a week since the Rathore couple returned home, to their motherland.

Samyukta had gone back to her dorm in London to pack up her belongings she left before heading to Istanbul. While there, she gave Abhimanyu a tour of her workplace, sharing stories of her life during their time apart. As she walked him through the medical centre and small flat she had lived in, her voice softened. She began to confess how, despite her efforts to stay strong, she cried herself to sleep almost every night, unable to bear the rift that had grown between them.

The tour quickly turned into an emotional confession. Abhimanyu stood silently, listening intently as his wife opened up about her loneliness and pain with tears in his eyes. He felt his heart clench as she spoke and, as guilt rose in his chest. They exchanged tears, and before either of them realized it, they were holding each other tightly in the middle of the room with the sun casting its golden hue on them celebrating there union.

"I'm so sorry, Samyukta, for not being there, for letting us drift apart. For everything, sweetheart."

Abhimanyu murmured, his voice cracking as kissed the top of her head.

She looked up at him and wiped a tear from her cheek, giving him a sad smile.

"We both hurt each other. But we're here now and nothing can break us anymore. That's what matters."

He nodded but his red eyes mirrored his regret.

"It won't happen again. I swear to you, I wonโ€™t let it get this bad ever again. Weโ€™ll face everything together. I'm not that strong to bear you away from me, Samyukta."

He pulled her back into his embrace, his heart aching at the thought of the pain she had endured alone, disregarding his ache too. They stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, silently mending the wounds they'd both carried.

Later, as they walked through the quiet streets of London, hand in hand, Abhimanyu realized just how much he had missed thisโ€”missed her, the simplicity of just being with her. Samyukta felt the same. The distance, the misunderstandings, and the pain felt like a distant memory now. What mattered was that they were together again, stronger than ever.

After returning home, of course Samyukta got a good scolding from both her dear families. Especially the women of both the families- both her mothers and of course, her brother, Samrat had to listen to them more on how he recklessly sent her away without anybody's knowledge.

But everyone eased pretty earlier than expected with Abhishree announcing her pregnancy. The family member's focus shifted to her and celebrations took place.

However, Abhishree, being the stubborn friend she was, chose not to speak to Samyukta. Deeply disappointed and hurt, she kept her distance, unable to forgive her soul sister so easily. Days passed with unspoken tension between them, until one day, emotions spilled over. Both women broke down in tears, yelling at each other as years of friendship and worry collided.

"Do you have the slightest idea, what I was going through?"

Abhishree finally let out her fears, confessing how terrified she had been, thinking she had lost Samyukta forever. Her voice cracked as she expressed the sleepless nights, the fear gnawing at her heart.

Samyukta, though guilty, reassured her, reminding her that she was safe now. Gently, she urged Abhishree to take care of herself, reminding her that stress wasnโ€™t good for the baby.

"I'm so sorry, Shree. Please don't be cold to me anymore. I cannot bear it."

Finally, the two soul sisters reconciled. After all, how long could they really stay apart?

Everything was moving swiftly. Both families had found their way back to happiness, especially Abhimanyu and Samyukta, who were now showering each other with endless love and attention. Their days were filled with laughter, intimate moments, and sweet affection. They would sneak off for lovely dates, holding hands and enjoying each other's presence, living in the bliss of their rekindled romance.

In the quiet corners of their home, they shared tender kisses and whispered words of love, only to escalate into making love with the same wild intensity that had during their honeymoon.

Samyukta had resumed her work, feeling a sense of balance in life again, while Abhimanyu had become a little more preoccupied, though she knew exactly why.

He was busy dealing with his cousin, Suraj, the one responsible for kidnapping her. Samyukta had tried countless times to learn what he was doing to him, curious about the punishment her husband had devised, but Abhimanyu kept her completely in the dark.

"You deserve only positivity and good things, my sweet wife."

Heโ€™d say with that signature smirk and his deep voice melting her heart instantly. She could only imagine the torture his cousin was going through, but Abhimanyu kept his focus on shielding her from it all.

But not everything was perfect. Tensions rose when Pallavi, Abhimanyuโ€™s bhabhi sa, announced she was leaving the Rathore family with her children. Shame weighed heavily on her for what her husband had done to Samyukta, the very woman she treated like her own sister. She couldnโ€™t bring herself to face Samyukta, and even her daughter Khushi avoided meeting her eyes.

Samyukta and Abhimanyu understood they needed time to heal from the trauma, but it still pained Samyukta that Pallavi and Khushi were withdrawing. Its poundage lingered in the air until one day, the atmosphere shifted.

It was a quiet afternoon. Samyukta was resting on the bed, her back leaned against the headboard, a book resting on her lap. There was a soft knock on the door. Abhimanyu, who had been working at his desk, walked over to open it.

Pallavi stood there, eyes downcast, her posture stiff with discomfort.

"Come in, bhabhi sa!"

Abhimanyu said, his voice warm yet calm, welcoming her in as though nothing was wrong.

โ€œBhabhi sa!โ€

Samyuktaโ€™s face lit up with a bright smile. She called out to her joyfully, her voice full of love.

โ€œPlease come sit beside me.โ€

Pallavi moved slowly, her heart clearly heavy with the weight of her guilt. She walked towards the bed but, instead of sitting, she knelt down and touched Samyukta's feet, her hands trembling. Silent tears began streaming down her face.

โ€œNo, di, pleaseโ€”โ€

Samyukta quickly pulled her feet away, reaching out to grab Pallavi by her shoulders, lifting her gently.

โ€œDonโ€™t do that!โ€

Without another word, she wrapped her arms around Pallavi, hugging her tightly.

โ€œYou donโ€™t need to apologize, you shouldnโ€™t.โ€

But Pallavi couldnโ€™t stop.

"Iโ€™m so, so sorry," she sobbed, her voice breaking. โ€œI canโ€™t believe what my husband did to you... to our family. I shouldโ€™ve known what he was upto. I shouldโ€™ve known...โ€

Samyukta held her even tighter, her heart aching as she heard Pallavi's words.

โ€œItโ€™s not your fault,โ€ she whispered, her voice soothing. โ€œYou didnโ€™t do anything wrong. Please donโ€™t feel guilty.โ€

Khushi, who had followed her mother into the room, couldnโ€™t hold back her own tears anymore. She stood frozen at the doorway until Abhimanyu gently walked over and pulled her into his embrace.

โ€œItโ€™s okay, beta.โ€

He said softly, stroking her hair like a father comforting his own daughter. Khushi sobbed into his chest, overwhelmed by the guilt and shame she had carried since the incident.

โ€œWe... we canโ€™t stay here anymore.โ€

Pallavi said shakily, pulling away from Samyuktaโ€™s hug, though her tears didnโ€™t stop.

โ€œWe donโ€™t want to be a burden. Suyash is coming tomorrow to take us to Delhi with him. Weโ€™ll stay with him while he finishes his medical degree.โ€

Samyuktaโ€™s heart clenched.

โ€œNo, Bhabhi sa, please donโ€™t leave,โ€ she pleaded softly. โ€œThis is your home. Youโ€™ve done nothing wrong. Weโ€™re a family. Don't go away...Please...โ€

Abhimanyu, standing behind Khushi with his arm still around her, nodded in agreement.

โ€œYou canโ€™t just leave because of your husband's wrongdoings. Weโ€™ve all suffered including you, Khushi, Suyash. But leaving wonโ€™t heal the wounds; only time and staying together will. Do not let your husband's deeds define you. He didn't deserve such a pure wife and kids like you. It's his poor fate he couldn't rejoice what he had.โ€

Pallavi shook her head, wiping her tears.

โ€œI canโ€™t even look you in the eye, Samyukta. Youโ€™ve helped Khushi so much, and I let my husbandโ€”โ€

Samyukta gently cupped Pallaviโ€™s face, her own eyes shining with empathy.

โ€œYou never did, Babhi sa. You're not responsible for his sins. Please do not let him and his deeds define you. Please, understand, babhi sa! We canโ€™t change the past, but we can build a better future. And we need you here for that. So that...we can heal together!โ€

Abhimanyu stepped forward, his voice firm yet compassionate. He gently turned her towards him and said.

โ€œWe want you here, Bhabhi ma. Donโ€™t leave us. We need you, Khushi, Suyash, everyone else with us. This family wonโ€™t be the same without you.โ€

Khushi looked up at him, her tear-filled eyes filled with longing for comfort.

"Are you sure?"

She whispered.

Abhimanyu smiled down at her.

โ€œOf course, I'm. Youโ€™re part of this family, Khushi. Always. Since the day bhabhi sa held you in her womb.โ€

Pallavi, her resolve breaking, glanced at Abhimanyu, who was still holding her gently.

โ€œI wish your brother had atleast one percent of your character.โ€

Pallavi whispered, her voice full of sadness.

Samyukta nodded, a soft smile on her face.

โ€œDon't worry. Suyash will fulfill that space, di. Stay with us, please.โ€

She back hugged her rubbing her upper arms gently to ease her up.

After a long pause, Pallavi finally nodded, though her tears continued to fall.

โ€œAlright, when Suyash comes over, discuss this with him.โ€

She said, her voice barely a whisper.

Khushi ran to them joining their hug. The couple welcomed her warm heartedly without a doubt in their mind or heart.

The room, once thick with tension, now felt lighter as the women embraced, holding onto each other with love and relief. Abhimanyu smiled, watching his wife and sister- in- law as they shared a deep emotional bond.

Later that evening, after many tears and heartfelt words, it was settled. Suyashโ€™s arrival the next day would no longer be to take them away but to visit and understand that they're a part of the family no matter what. Pallavi and Khushi had found their way back into the family, where they belonged even though little hesitantly. They would need some more time and they'll be fine.

The next day, Suyash arrived. He had changed a lot since they last saw him. The young man was now much more reserved, with grief and worry etched on his face. The shame of his father's actions clearly burdened him.

Abhimanyu and Samyukta, noticing his unease, decided to take him aside, away from the rest of the family. They wanted to speak to him privately and help him understand. Sitting down with him in the garden, Abhimanyu began, his voice steady and reassuring.

"How are you, baccha?"

Samyukta asked tenderly patting his shoulder while Abhimanyu listened intently, pouring tea into the cups.

But they're replied with silence. He was looking down at his feet.

"Suyash, your father's mistakes do not define you."

Abhimanyu said, looking him straight in the eyes lifting his chin up.

โ€œWhatever he did, that has nothing to do with you or Khushi or bhabhi sa. Youโ€™re the same to us, just like before this incident. Weโ€™re family, and that hasnโ€™t changed.โ€

Samyukta added gently,

โ€œWe never saw you as anything other than our own. We all go through rough times, but it doesnโ€™t mean we abandon the people we love. You and Khushi are still as important to us as ever.โ€

Suyash sat quietly for a moment, processing their words. His shoulders, tense with guilt and self-blame, slowly began to relax.

"But...what if he had done much worse to you? What ifโ€”"

He could not complete his sentence. His voice was low, as if afraid to speak the thoughts that had been haunting him.

Abhimanyu's fist clenched at the very thought of the heinous mishap that his cousin could've caused his wife.

Samyukta reached out and placed a comforting hand on his arm.

โ€œNo, Suyash. It still would have not changed our equation with you three. You havenโ€™t caused any pain. What happened wasnโ€™t your fault. We donโ€™t hold you responsible for anything. And no one in this family sees you or Khushi differently. Your mother is like an elder sister to me.โ€

After a long exchange filled with reassurances and warmth, Suyash began to see the truth in their words. The guilt that had been clouding his mind seemed to lift, even if just a little. He nodded, his expression softening.

"Thank you... for not being like my father. I hate calling him so. I wish I was your child not that filthy man's."

Abhimanyu smiled and clapped a hand on his shoulder.

โ€œYou're like my son. Weโ€™re family, Suyash. And family doesnโ€™t turn its back on each other.โ€

Feeling a sense of relief, Suyash agreed to speak with his mother and reassure her. Later that evening, after the conversation, Suyash convinced Pallavi to let go of the idea of leaving. The warmth of the family was still there for them to embrace.

When they returned to the house, the rest of the family playfully scolded Suyash and Khushi for even thinking theyโ€™d be treated differently.

โ€œYou really thought weโ€™d let you go that easily?โ€

Uday Singh Rathore, the eldest of the family teased, slinging an arm around Suyash's shoulders.

Vasundhara devi chimed in.

โ€œJust because of a misunderstanding? You both are ridiculous!โ€

Everyone laughed, lightening the mood. Even Pallavi, who had been distant, smiled with relief as she realized her children were still cherished and loved.

The eldest couple cooed their grand daughter- in- law, playfully scolding her on thinking of dividing the family.

Abhimanyu, standing beside Samyukta, glanced around at the family, feeling a sense of peace wash over him. They had come through something dark and difficult, but together, they were stronger.

"You see? Youโ€™re stuck with us whether you like it or not.โ€

Samyukta said, a playful grin spreading across her face.

Abhimanyu smiled at his wife's playfulness.

Suyash and Khushi both smiled, finally understanding that they were never alone in this journey. Family was more than just shared bloodโ€”it was love, support, and the unbreakable bond that would hold them together no matter what.

In fact, Abhimanyuโ€™s uncle and aunt, Surajโ€™s parents, had gone so far as to denounce him as their son. They could no longer accept his actions or the shame he had brought upon their family. Instead, they took Pallavi as their own daughter, promising to support her and her children as their family from that moment on.

This decision brought an unexpected sense of relief to the entire family, who rejoiced in the newfound unity. The once heavy atmosphere that had lingered since Suraj's betrayal began to lift as the family gathered together, celebrating with laughter and shared moments of joy.

During the festivities, Suraj quietly made his way over to Samyukta. The room was filled with noise and chatter, allowing them a moment of privacy. Without saying a word, he enveloped her in a deep, heartfelt hug. Samyukta, momentarily taken aback, hugged him back with equal warmth.

He pulled away slightly, looking at her with sincerity in his eyes.

"I just wanted to thank you," Suraj said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you for being such a beautiful personโ€”inside and out. Youโ€™ve shown me what it means to truly care, and Iโ€™ll always remember you as my mother, even if not by blood. I promise Iโ€™ll make you proud."

Samyuktaโ€™s heart swelled at his words. She placed a gentle hand on his cheek, her eyes filled with warmth.

"Youโ€™ve already made me proud, Suraj," she whispered. "And you always will."

They shared a quiet moment, one filled with understanding and forgiveness, before rejoining the family, who were still caught up in their fun and lively conversation.

In that moment, despite all the trials and hardships, the family stood stronger than everโ€”bound together by love, loyalty, and the promise of a better future.

Since Suyash had returned home, and with the oldest Rathore coupleโ€™s marriage anniversary just a few days away, the family decided it was the perfect time to come together for a special visit to their family temple in Jodhpur. After everything the family had been through recently, this particular puja holds a great significance. The elders believed that performing a sacred ceremony for the well-being of the entire family would help bring peace and unity after all the turbulence they had faced, especially, our lovely couple.

Preparations began almost immediately, with everyone involved in making sure the journey to Jodhpur would be smooth.



Tomorrow I'll give DOUBLE UPDATES! Cause I'm so so happy!

Thank you once again! A big one! <3 <3 <3

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ยฐโ€ขโ—โ˜†โ—‹Dark dreams getting darker. โ€ข Dark Romance โ€ข Soft Romance โ•ฐโ”ˆโ”ˆโžคYES