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Author's POV

After they both calmed down, Abhimanyu turned on the shower beneath the golden chandelier. Water cascaded down like a beautiful waterfall, drenching them and bringing smiles to their faces as they relaxed under it.

They helped each other clean up, using shower gel and washes, enjoying the intimate and playful moment. The warm water and gentle touches made the experience even more special, their laughter and whispers blending with the sound of the falling water.

They patted each other dry with fluffy towels and then made their way to bed. The soft sheets and the warmth of the bed felt comforting after their intimate moment. They settled in, wrapping their arms around each other, their bodies relaxing into the coziness of the bed along with the blending of their skin.

Samyukta immediately drifted into a slumber, her breathing steady and peaceful. Abhimanyu, however, lay awake beside her, his mind buzzing with anticipation. This evening, he had planned something special- a proposalย that he hoped would be as unforgettable for her as it was for him.

Even though they had been married for around seven months now, Abhimanyu had never had the chance to fully express his feelings to Samyukta in the way he wanted. He had always wanted to find the perfect moment to confess just how deeply he loved her and how much she meant to him.

Now, with their trip to London and the special eveningย  he had planned, he saw the perfect opportunity. He wanted this moment to be more than just a formality; he wanted it to be a heartfelt confession that would show her the depth of his emotions and the sincerity of his commitment.

As he lay beside her,ย he drifted off to sleep, he couldn't wait for the opportunity to pour out his heart and make her feel as loved and cherished as she had made him feel every day.


Next morning, Samyukta woke up to the delightful sight of a breakfast cart set up by her side. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee, pastries, cremes and fruits filled the room, making her smile. As she turned her head, her gaze fell upon the smiling face of Abhimanyu, who was seated beside her, his eyes full of warmth and affection.

"Good morning, beautiful."ย 

He whispered softly, leaning in to kiss her forehead.

"Good morning."ย 

She replied, her voice still soft with sleep. She took in the sight of the breakfast cart and then looked at him with an excited smile.

"The smell itself is making me hungry!"

Abhimanyu chuckled and reached for her hand, gently squeezing it.

"Of course, we're hungry, baby. We didn't have anything last night. You didn't even let me have you."

She sat up, glaring at him with a cute annoyance.

"It's early morning, Maan!"

"And the best time to startโ€”"

"Enough! I'm hungry."

He chuckled and got out of bed, heading to the breakfast cart. As he plated the breakfast for both of them, he shot her a playful grin making her roll her eyes.

They had their breakfast using the same plate, occasionally feeding each other bites of the delicious spread.

Later in the day, Abhimanyu informed Samyukta about the university reunion party scheduled for the afternoon and requested that she wear the shimmery bronze dress he had bought for her.

Excited and eager to look her best, Samyukta took her time getting ready throughout the afternoon. She meticulously styled her hair, applied her makeup, and chose the perfect jewelry to complement the dress. The bronze dress hugged her curves in all the right places, shimmering under the light and highlighting her beauty.

While Abhimanyu made secret arrangements at a beautiful farmhouse he had bought specifically for this special occasion, he was on a call, finalizing the last details.

As he was speaking, Samyukta walked towards him, adorned in the stunning bronze dress. Her presence was mesmerizing, and he found himself lost in her beauty, completely forgetting about the person on the other end of the call.

"Sorry, I have to go," he mumbled into the phone, ending the call without waiting for a response.

"Wow," he whispered, his eyes roaming over her appreciatively.ย 

She blushed under his gaze, a shy smile playing on her lips.

Abhimanyu extended his hand to her, his eyes never leaving hers.

As she placed her palm in his, he pulled her towards him, their chests softly crashing together, making her gasp.

"Had today not been important," he murmured, his lips brushing against her ear, "I'd have changed plans and stayed here all day, all night."

Her breath hitched, and she looked up into his eyes, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation.

"Let's go," he whispered beside her earlobe, his warm breath sending shivers down her spine.

With a smile, she nodded, her heart racing crazily.ย He pressed a tender kiss to her forehead before leading her out of the penthouse.


As he turned the car to an alley srounded by huge, lush green farmlands, she began curious.

"Aren't we going to your university?"

"Umm...no...I'd like to take you to somewhere else."


She felt little hurt that she was being lied to but also she though maybe there's something he had to keep hidden from her. Of course, he'd explain later. She has to remain patient for a while.

"Umm...baby, I'm sorry for lying but I had no other option. I promise though! I won't lie anymore. Just this once- spare me."

Abhimanyu elucidated to which Samyukta chuckled and nodded her head.ย 

As they drove further, the road opened up to a picturesque farmhouse, beautifully decorated with fairy lights and flowers. Samyukta's eyes widened in amazement.

"Is this...?" she began, her voice trailing off in awe.

"Yes, it's ours," Abhimanyu confirmed, parking the car and getting out to open her door. "I bought this place for us. I wanted to give you a special surprise."

He quickly moved to Samyukta's side to help her out.

"Where are we, Maan?" she asked, looking around with wide eyes.

He smiled, taking her hand. "You'll see. Come with me."

He led her down a path illuminated by twinkling fairy lights. As they walked, the sound of soft music floated through the air. When they finally reached the beautifully decorated outdoor area, Samyukta gasped in delight. The sight of the table set with candles and flowers, the fairy lights creating a magical atmosphere, and the warmth of the setting sun made everything look perfect.

The orangish blue sky with a tint of pink provided a perfect backdrop to the greenland stretched out with white candles and fairy lights, creating a magical atmosphere.ย 

The last rays of the sun, casting a warm glow on her shimmering bronze dress and radiant skin, made her look like the queen of the golden hour. Abhimanyu couldn't take his eyes off her, mesmerized by her beauty.

"You look like a goddess," he whispered, his voice filled with awe.

Samyukta blushed, her eyes shining with happiness.ย 

"And, you my love, any woman would fall for you seeing this one look."ย 

Samyukta replied, her heart swelling with pride and love. He was hers, and she was his.

The black muslin shirt with intricate bronze designs, perfectly complementing her dress, made him look more royal than ever. His well-shaped beard and piercing gaze added to his regal appearance, making her heart race.

Abhimanyu chuckled softly.ย 

"Only one woman's opinion matters to me, and that's yours."

She smiled, feeling a rush of warmth.

Abhimanyu smiled, taking her hand and guiding her to the center of the gazebo. As she stood in the middle, she admired the serene view of a huge stream flowing beside them, its waters shimmering under the soft glow of the drowning sun.

The cool breeze brushed against Samyukta's face, causing her to close her eyes and take a deep, contented breath. The refreshing air carried the scent of blooming flowers and the earthy aroma of the surroundings, blending perfectly with the romantic atmosphere.

As Samyukta opened her eyes, she looked up at the sky, now a deepening shade of twilight blue. The first stars began to appear, twinkling softly and adding to the enchanting scene.

She turned her gaze back to Abhimanyu, her eyes shining with endless love.

He took a deep breath, then got down on one knee, pulling out a small violet velvet box. The light from the candles danced in his eyes, and his expression was a mixture of nervousness and adoration.

"Hey, love! Let me take this moment to express everything I feel for you. It's been seven months since we got married, and I believe marrying you was the best decision of my life. Trust me, from the day we tied the knot, I've felt things I never thought I would. It's been surreal. I often find myself at a loss for words when I see you... hahaha... but yes, Samyukta, I never really expected to get this attached to you.

When I left you, I felt an excruciating pain in my heart as if it was being ripped apart. Yet, when you came to me, even though I wanted to hug you tight, and never let you go, I felt that letting you go would be better for both of us. But when you really left, I was shattered. Nothing was left in me. There wasn't a day I didn't cry my eyes out.

I realized how I had started expecting love from you unlike anyone else. When I used to live in Mussoorie, I understood I had a responsibility towards my family, and to fulfill my duty, I needed to train harder and become the best version of myself. Papa visited sometimes, and Mom rarely visited. But I never really felt hurt because I somehow knew I needed to be emotionally independent and stronger than anyone to protect our heritage and generations of hard work, pride and royalty. So yes, I kind of stopped expecting to be cared about.

When I wasn't getting attention from you, which was of course not intentional but normal, I felt left out. Surprisingly, I felt hurt. And then I knew I had fallen for you way too hard, making it harder for me to handle myself. I started expecting love and care from you, and I felt I shouldn't. So I left. But that made me realize how much I'm done for this life. The deed is done already. I've surrendered my soul to you. And, most importantly, I don't want to change anything between us.

I remember the first time Mom talked to me about you, about our marriage. My heart fluttered and effortlessly, I just gave in. She didn't have to pester me! And on our first coffee date, I felt like it was the most important meeting of my life and didn't want anything to go wrong.

It was stupid of me to ignore and disregard my feelings. Moreover, when I understood what I felt for you, I drifted away from you. But now, my clarity has reached the sky, and I don't want anything or anyone else except you. And, even if it costs me the world, I'll not think twice."

Samyukta's eyes welled up with tears as she listened, feeling the depth of his emotions. She placed her hand gently on his cheek, her thumb brushing away a tear that had escaped.


She whispered, her voice filled with emotion but stopped when his expression was enough for her to know that he had something more to say.

"Samyukta... I've more to say," Abhimanyu continued, his voice soft but determined.

She laughed lightly, wiping her tears.ย 

"Okay, go on. I'm all ears."

They both chuckled, and he resumed, taking her hands in his.

"Samyukta, you mean the world to me. Your love, your presence, it has changed me in ways I never thought possible. You brought light into my life, and now I can't imagine a single day without you. I promise to cherish you, to stand by you, and to make every moment we share special.

So, Miss Samyukta Chauhan, are you... willing to continue being 'Mrs. Samyukta Abhimanyu Rathore' for an eternity? Let me warn you. If you say a 'yes' you're caged with me until the world ends. So, think wisely."

She smiled widely, tears glistening in her eyes as she squeezed his hands.

"Abhimanyu, you have no idea how much I want to say 'yes'. So, my answer is yes, a thousand times yes! I want to be 'your' Mrs. Samyukta Abhimanyu Rathore for eternity, and there's nothing that could make me happier."

Abhimanyu grinned, pulling her into a tight embrace.ย 

"You've made me the happiest man alive, Samyukta."

He slid a beautiful ring onto her finger, the diamonds catching the last rays of the setting sun.ย 

"I know I might not be perfect, but I will spend every day trying to be the best for you. I love you, Samyukta. Always and forever."

She smiled through her tears, feeling overwhelmed with love and joy.ย 

"I love you too, Abhimanyu. Always and forever."

The twilight blue sky and the twinkling stars , the gentle rustling of the leaves and the soft murmur of the stream nearby seemed to join in their celebration.

Suddenly, three fountains of gushing water, dressed under golden lighting, erupted from the stream, adding a dramatic and enchanting touch to the scene. The cascading water shimmered in the golden light, creating a breathtaking spectacle.

Simultaneously, sky lanterns began to ascend into the twilight sky, their soft glow adding to the magic of the moment. The lanterns floated gently upwards, creating a constellation of warm lights that mirrored the stars above.

Samyukta gasped, her eyes widening in awe.ย 

"Abhimanyu, this is...this is...this feels so unreal!"

Abhimanyu smiled, tightening his hold around her waist.ย 

"Like you. Can't believe a d*ck like me."

"Babe! You're not a d*ck."

They shared a heartfelt laughter their happy tears staining their cheeks,

They stood there, mesmerized by the beauty of the fountains and lanterns, the golden light casting a warm glow on their faces. The sound of the gushing water and the sight of the floating lanterns created an ethereal atmosphere, making it feel like they were in a dream.

As the fountains continued to dance and the lanterns ascended higher, Abhimanyu gently turned Samyukta towards him, cupping her face in his hands. "Samyukta, I promise to fill our lives with moments like this. Moments of wonder, love, and happiness."

Tears glistened in Samyukta's eyes as she nodded, overwhelmed by the beauty of the moment and the depth of his love.

Abhimanyu looked into Samyukta's eyes, seeing the same love and joy reflected back at him.

"Shall we dance, Mrs. Rathore?"ย 

He asked, offering his hand.

Samyukta giggled, nodding.ย 

"I'd love too."ย 

They moved to the center of the gazebo, where a hidden speaker started playing their favorite song. As they swayed to the music, lost in each other's eyes, it felt like the universe was celebrating their love. Every step, every twirl, was a promise of the beautiful journey they were about to embark on together.

"Here's to us," Abhimanyu whispered, his lips brushing against her ear. "And to the many adventures we'll share."

Samyukta smiled, resting her head on his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart. "To us," she echoed, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, bound by an unbreakable love.


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Annapurnaa [annapurnaa_verse]

ยฐโ€ขโ—โ˜†โ—‹Dark dreams getting darker. โ€ข Dark Romance โ€ข Soft Romance โ•ฐโ”ˆโ”ˆโžคYES