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Samyukta's POV

It's been a week since we've been staying with the Arslans. The past few days have been a whirlwind of emotions, discoveries, and a deepening bond between us.

Every morning, Abhimanyu and Mr. Arslan would disappear into his office, discussing something. Although I was curious, I knew better than to pry. Instead, I spent my time with Hayat and little Ayaan, who had quickly become the sunshine of our days here.

Hayat and I had formed a close bond. Her stories about Yusuf and his struggles had touched my heart deeply. Despite the harsh exterior Yusuf showed to the world, there was a kind, broken man inside who had been through so much.

One particular evening, as we sat in the garden, sipping tea and watching Ayaan play, Hayat opened up about her life here.

"I was born and raised in Istanbul, but my heart was always with the Indian culture. My parents often traveled to India, and they instilled in me a love for the country's traditions and values," she said, a nostalgic smile playing on her lips.

"Oh! That's why I felt there's something Indian about you," I replied joyously, to which she chuckled.

"How did you meet Mr. Arslan?" I asked, genuinely curious.

She chuckled softly and looked down toward the grass.ย 

"It was a chance encounter. I was admitted to the city hospital, and I don't remember why. No family member or someone I knew was present there with me or for me. When I introduced myself as Hayat Yilmaz, people kept denying my identity and said it wasn't me. Yusuf found me in this stateโ€”helpless, alone, and brokenโ€”so he brought me to his mansion. At first, I didn't want to come with him, but when he brought his son to the hospital, I felt something for him. And I couldn't deny going with them. Since then, I've lived here. Ayaan is just like my child. It was... unexpected."

"And then?" I prompted gently.

"And then... some time later... I came to know he lost his wife. Samyukta, he almost cried when he told me how he lost his wife."

"How did she die?" I asked, my voice soft with concern.

"Someone pushed her from the roof," she said, her eyes filling with sadness.

I gasped, feeling a wave of sympathy for Mr. Arslan.ย 

"That's horrible," I whispered.

Hayat nodded, her expression somber.ย 

"It was devastating for him. She was the love of his life, and losing her shattered him. People say he lost his smile. But he's a strong man, and he's been trying to piece his life back together, especially for Ayaan's sake."

The weight of her words hung in the air, and I couldn't help but feel a deep respect for Yusuf's resilience. Despite the pain and loss, he had managed to create a loving environment for his son.

We sat in silence for a few moments, watching Ayaan play with carefree joy, a stark contrast to the heavy emotions we were discussing.

"Don't worry, Hayat. He has you. You're there for him, and I think he'll be alright," I said, placing a hand on hers.

She smiled, squeezing my hand gently. "Thank you, Samyukta. I also hope he recovers soon. Sometimes, when I see him in pain, it aches my heart terribly that I start crying profusely."

I could see the sincerity in her eyes and feel the depth of her care for Yusuf.ย 

"It's clear you love him deeply, Hayat."

"Is it?" She asked, gazing into an uncertain distance.

I nodded, but she quickly changed the topic.

"It's Ayaan's lunchtime. I need to leave, Samyukta," she said, getting up.

"Of course, Hayat," I replied, standing up as well. "Thank you for sharing with me."

She offered a small smile, her eyes still holding that faraway look. "Thank you for listening."

As she walked away to tend to Ayaan, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of empathy for her. It was evident that her feelings for Yusuf were complicated, filled with both love and uncertainty. Watching her retreat, I silently hoped that in time, she would find the clarity and happiness she deserved.

I took a deep breath and turned back to the garden, watching Ayaan play. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the garden.

Tomorrow, we'll be leaving this beautiful family. Abhimanyu and I have decided to spend some time together in London. I have my belongings in my dormitory there, which I brought from India for the campaign. Plus, Abhimanyu has been wanting to visit his university for a while. As an alumnus, he has been invited to a reunion. So, all of these are good reasons to enjoy some quality time in London.

Abhimanyu's POV

After discussing our plans for London with Yusuf, we packed our bags. It felt surreal, knowing that soon we'd be in a different city, away from the warmth of the Arslan family.ย ย 

Good news came in: Samrat has abducted Suraj from his warehouse in a distant village of our state. Suraj is now in the basement of our main warehouse, and our men are taking pretty good care of him. After ten days, we'll be returning to India, finally! And I've a massive surprise planned for my dear brother. Can't wait to pamper him. After receiving the news about Suraj, I felt a wave of relief. Finally, the threat that had been looming over us was under control. Samrat had done an excellent job

As I finished packing, I couldn't help but glance at Samyukta, who was busy folding her clothes, a serene expression on her face.

"Ready for London?" I asked, walking over to her and wrapping my arms around her waist.

She leaned back against me, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Hmm."

I kissed the top of her head.ย 

"I can't wait to show you around my university."

We packed the rest of our belongings and went downstairs to join the family for dinner for the last time. The dining area was filled with a warm, inviting aroma, and the table was set beautifully with an array of delicious dishes- as always.

"Tonight's special," Yusuf said, lifting his glass. "Since today is the last day of your stay, Mrs. Rathore, until next time, Hayat has prepared the dinner all by herself."

"That's so sweet of you, Hayat," Samyukta squealed, rushing to hug Hayat.

"I've prepared a mix of Turkish and Indian dishes as a tribute to our time together. Hope both of youโ€”Mr. and Mrs. Rathoreโ€”enjoy it," she said, sharing the hug.

"We'll love it, Ms. Yilmaz. Absolutely," I chimed in, to which she nodded with a smile.

We settled ourselves at the table and began serving each other. The food was amazing. The flavors were a perfect blend.

"Mmm... Hayat, the parantha is too good! Tastes just like home. You're so good at it," Samyukta exclaimed, practically jumping in her seat.

"Samyukta, Mr. Arslan also helped me in making it. So, I'm not the only one who deserves the credit."ย 

Hayat explained, tucking some strands of her hair behind her ear as she glanced down at her plate shyly.

I quickly looked towards Yusuf, who tried to clear his throat and signaled him with my raised eyebrows.

"What?" Yusuf tried to ask in a whisper.

I chuckled and shook my head.ย 

"Nothing." I whispered back.

Good. Good. I see they're getting on well. I'll just pray they get along with each other soon.

The rest of the evening was filled with laughter and shared memories as we enjoyed our last meal together. I will cherish this trip to Istanbul forever. It has reunited me with my love and more impostanlty, it has helped us restart our journey as a couple.

As the dinner came to an end, Yusuf stood up.ย 

"Abhimanyu, thank you for everything. Remember, if you ever need anything, my doors are always open."

"Thank you, Yusuf. The feeling is mutual," I replied, hugging him firmly. "We'll stay in touch."

Hayat pulled Samyukta aside.ย 

"Samyukta, you've become like a sister to me. Take care, and remember, you're always welcome here."

"You too, Hayat. We'll miss you all," I whispered back, hugging her tightly.

"Let's meet tomorrow after breakfast." Yusuf declared and we headed back to our respective rooms.

Samyukta' POV

We retired to our room for the night, feeling a mix of sadness and excitement for the journey ahead. As we lay in bed, Abhimanyu wrapped his arms around me, and I felt a sense of peace.

"Already missing this place?" He asked softly.

"Yes," I replied, snuggling closer.ย 

"Me too," he said, kissing the top of my head. "But we'll visit sometimes."

"Oh yes, we will," I said with a smile.

"Yes. Maybe with our little munchkin?" Abhimanyu added, his eyes twinkling with mischief and love.

I quickly looked up at him, finding him already gazing down at me with a soft expression.

"You want babies with me?" I asked, my heart swelling with contentment and tears gathering in my eyes.

"Of course, I want kids with you, Samyukta," he replied, his voice tender. "I want to have our little versions in my lap. A beautiful, sweet family of mine."

"I didn't know this big boy dreams of cute things," I said, chuckling.

"Oh, if the cute things are from you, then I'd like hundreds of them," Abhimanyu replied with a grin.

"Hundreds! Fuck, Abhimanyu!" I exclaimed, shocked at his confession.

"Yes, fuck, baby. We'll fuck to make a hundred cute things for us."ย 

He replied with a mischievous grin.

"Well, I think you should sleep already. Otherwise, you will definitely make me insane."

"Oh baby! Let's reach London. I'll make sure I wipe away every drop of sanity left in you."

"You could've done it already, Maan," I said, a tint of disappointment in my voice. As much as he wants it, I want it too! But he won't give it to me, saying that I'm sick.

"Oh love! I was just waiting for you to get healthier so that you can withstand me, sweetie."

"So confident about your potential?" I teased.

"Do not question a tycoon about his confidence, baby. You might end up begging me to stop."

"Oh, let's see."

"Soon, baby, soon."


I tried to brush away the thoughts and closed my eyes, snuggling into him more as he wrapped his arms around me, chuckling. Nevertheless, his words didn't fail to send shivers down my spine. The anticipation of what lay ahead filled me with both excitement and a hint of apprehension, knowing that our journey together was about to take an exhilarating turn.


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Annapurnaa [annapurnaa_verse]

ยฐโ€ขโ—โ˜†โ—‹Dark dreams getting darker. โ€ข Dark Romance โ€ข Soft Romance โ•ฐโ”ˆโ”ˆโžคYES