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Abhimanyu's POV

"Anadolu KavaฤŸi."

"What is that?" I snapped, my heart pounding so loudly I was sure everyone in the mansion could hear it.

"A village. A fishing community, Abhimanyu," Yusuf explained calmly.

"So that bastard is hiding there with my Samyukta?" I inquired, anger rushing through my veins.

"Yes," Yusuf confirmed. "He is hiding somewhere around the Yoros Castle Mosque. It's a non-residential area, so I think placing our troops will not be difficult."

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing thoughts. The idea of Samyukta being held captive in such a remote place filled me with dread. We needed to move quickly and carefully.

"We need to get there now," I said urgently, looking Yusuf in the eye. "I can't let her spend another moment in that hell."

I rushed towards the entrance but suddenly my steps halted when Yusuf called me from behind.ย 

"Abhimanyu, wait!" Yusuf's voice cut through my determination. "We cannot act out of hurry. We need to think straight and execute our plan very precisely without any mistake. He is a cunning person. You think he has left any clues for us by chance?"

I paused, Yusuf's words sinking in. As much as I wanted to rush in and rescue Samyukta, he was right. We needed to be strategic.

"You're right," I admitted, my voice laced with frustration. "But every moment we waste could be another moment she's suffering."

"I understand," Yusuf said gently. "But we need to be smart about this. We can't afford to make any mistakes. Let's review what we know and plan our approach carefully."

Samrat stepped closer with a resolute expression.ย 

"We need to think like him. If he's as cunning as you say, he'll have anticipated a direct attack."

I nodded, forcing myself to focus.ย 

Focus Abhimanyu. Focus!

"Alright. Let's go over the details again. What do we know about his location and his possible escape routes?"

Yusuf laid out a map of the area. We gathered around the map, studying every detail meticulously. Yusuf laid out the terrain, marking key points and possible escape routes.

"Alright," Yusuf began, "we know he's near the Yoros Castle Mosque, and this is the layout of the area. We have several old ruins around here, and the waterfront is close by."

I pointed to the ruins. "These ruins could provide him with plenty of hiding spots. We need to cover them thoroughly."

Samrat nodded pointing onto the map.

"We'll split into three teams. One will cover the northern approach, another the southern, and the third will secure the waterfront. We need to make sure he can't slip past us."

Yusuf chimed in, "We'll need to coordinate our movements precisely. We'll use radios to stay in constant communication. Any sign of movement or trouble, we need to alert each other immediately."

I glanced at the map again. "What about potential traps? If he's as cunning as we think, he might have set up traps or alarms."

"Good point," Yusuf said, "We'll need to move carefully, check for any signs of traps, and disable them without making noise. We can use signal jammers to prevent him from triggering remote alarms."

Samrat added, "We should also be prepared for a direct confrontation. He might get desperate and try to fight his way out. We need to be ready to subdue him without causing harm to to my sister."

Yusuf nodded, "Agreed. Our primary goal is to rescue Abhimanyu's wife safely. Everything else is secondary. We need to be prepared for anything."

I took a deep breath, my mind racing with the plan.ย 

"Alright. Let's go over the teams. Yusuf, you'll lead the northern team. Samrat, you take the southern approach. I'll handle the waterfront."

Yusuf and Samrat both nodded in agreement.

"There's one more thing," Yusuf said, pointing to a spot on the map. "We'll have a helicopter on standby here. Once we secure Samyukta, we can airlift her out quickly. The helicopter will also provide aerial surveillance to monitor any unexpected movements or escape attempts."

I raised an eyebrow. "Good thinking. The aerial view will give us an advantage."

Samrat nodded. "We'll need to coordinate with the helicopter pilot. Make sure they know the plan and are ready to move at a moment's notice. And, Abhimanyu, you better focus on securing Samyukta. We'll handle Suraj."

Yusuf added, "Yes, Abhimanyu, Samrat is correct here. My men can handle the waterfront. You focus on saving Samyukta. I've already arranged for our best pilot. He'll help you stay in constant contact with us and provide updates from above."

"Okay!" I replied breathing heavily. I will have to save Samyukta. That's my top most priority.

"We'll move in at 0200 hours," Yusuf instructed. "That gives us time to get into position and prepare. We need to be in place before first light."

I checked my watch, mentally calculating the time. "That gives us a few hours to get ready. Let's make sure everyone knows the plan and is equipped with the necessary gear."

Yusuf began assigning roles and distributing equipment to his men. "Each team will have a radio operator to maintain communication. We'll use night vision goggles to move through the dark. Remember, silence is crucial."

Samrat added, "We'll also carry non-lethal weapons for close encounters. We want to subdue, not kill. Stun guns, tranquilizer darts, and handcuffs."

I nodded, my resolve hardening. "Yes, do not kill that bastard. I want to provide him his special treatment in exchange of how he treated my wife. And remember, Samyukta's safety is our top priority. No rash moves, no unnecessary risks."

As we finalized the details as time kept running. We knew the risks, but we were ready to face them.

Yusuf reviewed the plan once more, ensuring everyone was clear on their roles and responsibilities. The tension in the room was very obvious, but so was the resolve. We were ready to do whatever it took to bring Samyukta back safely.

"Stay sharp, stay focused," Yusuf gripped my shoulders from behind and motivated me. "We're a team, and we'll get through this together."

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the task ahead.ย 

"Hang on, Samyukta. Just few more hours. Stay safe for us. I'm coming for you."

Author's POV

As the clock struck 0200 hours, the mission was set in motion. The night was cloaked in darkness, the silence broken only by the whisper of the wind and the distant sound of the Bosphorus waves crashing against the shore. The three teams moved swiftly and silently through the ruins surrounding Yoros Castle Mosque, each step measured and deliberate.

Before the operation, they meticulously planned their approach. Samrat's team took the northern route, infiltrating the dense forest terrain to establish a perimeter around the target area.ย 

Yusuf's men covered the southern approach, blending seamlessly with the surroundings. They wore dark combat uniforms, equipped with state-of-the-art communication devices and thermal imaging scopes.ย 

Abhimanyu's team, comprising elite operatives from both the Rathore and Arslan networks, approached from the waterfront.ย 

They all moved in a coordinated line like shadows through the night, their faces obscured by black balaclavas, their eyes sharp and alert. They carried silenced weapons and night-vision goggles, ensuring stealth and precision. Their black tactical gear hugging their bodies, designed for maximum mobility and protection. The moonlight glinted off the high-tech gear, including lightweight body armor and multi-functional helmets equipped with integrated comms and infrared vision.

They had successfully tracked Suraj's location using the number from which he had been texting Abhimanyu. His tech team triangulated the signal, pinpointing his hideout to a small, abandoned building near the Yoros Castle Mosque. As the teams positioned themselves, the intel came through, confirming the exact coordinates.

"All teams, check in," Abhimanyu whispered into his comm.

"North in position," Samrat replied, his voice steady and confident.

"South in position," Yusuf echoed.

"Waterfront in position. I'll lead." Abhimanyu confirmed, signaling my team to move forward.

"Abhimanyu, wait!" Yusuf's voice crackled in my earpiece. "Do not move already. Let's track hidden alarms first. He is a cunning person. You think he'll let us find him so easily?"

He clenched his fists, knowing Yusuf was right. Rushing in without checking for alarms or traps could jeopardize everything.

"Copy that," he replied, signaling my team to hold their positions.

Their tech team, hidden in a secure van nearby, started scanning for any electronic signals or alarms. The tension in the air was very obvious, every second feeling like an eternity. His mind was racing, but he forced himself to stay focused.

"Scanning complete," the tech lead reported. "We've detected a few alarm systems around the building. Disabling them now."

He watched the team work with precision, their fingers flying over keyboards as they neutralized the threats. Finally, which felt like an eternity, the lead gave them the 'all-clear.'

"Alarms disabled. You're good to go."

"Roger that," he responded, the tension easing slightly. "Teams, move in."

They advanced cautiously, their movements synchronized.ย 

"The area is clear so far," Samrat's voice came through. "No sign of movement."

"Copy that," Abhimanyu replied. "Stay alert. We'll move in together once we're in position."

As Abhimanyu's team reached the very end waterfront, he signaled them to halt. The helicopter was waiting a few kilometers away, ready for his signal. The plan was to use the helicopter for a surprise entry, ensuring they could get to Samyukta quickly and safely.

He raised his hand, activating the beacon to signal the helicopter. Within minutes, the faint sound of rotor blades slicing through the air reached his ears. The helicopter appeared on the horizon, a dark silhouette against the night sky. It approached with precision, hovering above the rooftop of the building where Samyukta was held.ย 

"Helicopter in position," the pilot's voice crackled through my earpiece. "Ready for deployment."

"Roger that," he responded, his heart racing. "Prepare for descent."

The helicopter hovered steadily above the rooftop of an old ruin, and the crew began to lower the technical ropes. Abhimanyu quickly ran towards it and secured his harness, attaching himself to the rope, taking a deep breath. This was it. There was no room for error. And the helicopter set onto his journey.

Within a few minutes, the old red- tiled roof of a cramped building came into view. With a swift motion, he rappelled down from the helicopter, the chilly wind whipping around him as he descended. He landed silently, detaching himself from the rope. He signaled to the pilot, and the helicopter maintained its position, ready for extraction.

Moving swiftly, Abhimanyu approached the edge of the rooftop, peering over to locate the window of the room where Samyukta was held. The dim light inside confirmed her presence.ย 

His heart ached when he bent over and got a clear sight of her tied up. She was in a disheveled state, her slightly clothes torn and her face streaked with tears and dirt. The loud noise of the helicopter blades was making her scared. She shook her head from side to side, trying to understand what was happening around her. He wasted no time and signaled to his team below, ensuring they were ready to provide cover if needed.

With a deep breath, he took a few steps back, tied another couple of harness to himself and then sprinted toward the edge. He leaped off, crashing through the window with a loud shatter. Glass exploded around him piercing his skin as he rolled into the room, quickly finding my footing.

Samyukta's eyes widened in shock and ashtonishment.ย 

"Abhimanyu!" she gasped, her voice weak but filled with hope. A smile had instantly erupted on her tired face.

"I'm here, baby." he said, my voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

He moved quickly, breaking the sharp metallic wires that bound her with the hammer he wasย  carrying while also checking around the room for any predators' attack. She winced as the wires came free, leaving deep, angry marks on her skin. Blood was oozing from some marks. He lifted her gently, securing her to the harness he had brought for our extraction.ย 

She was not able to walk or support herself. He hugged her tightly making her feel safe and secure in his embrace.

"Hold on tight," he whispered, securing the ropes around both of them. He signaled to the pilot, who began to lift them from the room. The ascent was smooth, and they rose into the night sky, the helicopter's powerful blades cutting through the air.

As they ascended, he glanced down and saw the chaos unfolding below. Yusuf's men were engaging with some of Suraj's henchmen, but there was no sign of Suraj himself. He had slipped through their grasp, but Samyukta was safe, and that was all that mattered now.

As the helicopter soared through the crisp night air, the twinkling lights of Istanbul below created a mesmerizing backdrop against the dark sky. Above them, a blanket of stars shimmered, casting a gentle glow over the city and its ancient skyline.ย 

Abhimanyu held Samyukta close, her head resting on his chest as they finally found solace in each other's arms.

"It's over, baby," Abhimanyu murmured softly, his voice carrying a mixture of relief and tenderness as he stroked her hair. "Nobody will ever be able to hurt you again. I promise you, it's over. You're safe now."

Samyukta nodded weakly, tears of exhaustion and relief streaking her cheeks. Her fingers curled into the fabric of his black tactical gear, holding onto him as if afraid he might disappear.ย 

"Abhimanyu," she whispered back, sniffing. Her voice was filled with emotion. "I knew you would come."

"Of course, I'd come," he replied, his tone unwavering with conviction. His heart swelled with love and admiration for this resilient woman of his who had endured so much.

Then, in a moment that felt like the culmination of all their trials and tribulations, Samyukta's voice trembled with vulnerability as she confessed.

"I love you, Abhimanyu."ย 

Her arms tightened around his waist, seeking comfort and assurance in his embrace. The depth of her love reflected in her eyes, shining brightly despite the darkness that had surrounded them.

Abhimanyu couldn't help but laugh heartily at her sudden confession. He marveled at how blessed he felt in that moment, surrounded by the beauty of the night sky and the woman he cherished above all else.

He looked up at the sky, the stars seeming to twinkle in approval of their reunion as a tear trickled down his right eye.ย 

"What?" Samyukta whined in annoyance and a hint of shyness visible on her face.

Bringing his gaze back to Samyukta, he saw her looking at him with an expression that spoke volumes of her love and trust. Lowering his eyes to meet hers, he leaned in and placed a soft yet passionate kiss on her forehead.

"I love you too, Samyukta Abhimanyu Rathore."ย 

He whispered against her skin, his voice filled with a promise of a future where they would face whatever challenges came their way together.

As he leaned back to gaze at her, he found her looking at him with eyes filled with love and a smile that stretched from ear to ear. Her expression was a mix of relief, joy, and adoration.

For a brief moment, Samyukta's gaze softened, her cheeks tinted with a blush as she lowered her eyes shyly before meeting Abhimanyu's intense stare once more. The air between them sizzled with unspoken words and the electricity of their reunion.

With a hint of hesitation, she gently gripped onto Abhimanyu's shirt visible from behind his tactical gear, using it as an anchor to draw herself closer to him. He, sensing her silent plea, leaned in closer, closing the remaining distance between them.ย 

and, their lips met in a tender kiss.

The kiss was gentle yet passionate, a meeting of two souls that had endured separation and hardship. As their lips melded together, all the uncertainties and fears of the past days melted away, replaced by the warmth and comfort of each other's presence.

The kiss forgave each other. The kiss promised that they'd never leave each other's side no matter what. The kiss was a vow of a forever that will never end.

As the helicopter soared over the city bathed in the soft moonlight, they both leaned into each other, finding solace in the warmth of their embrace. The city lights below twinkled like distant stars, a serene backdrop to their renewed bond. With a gentle sigh, they breathed in the cool night air, their silence echoing their unspoken vows to always protect and cherish each other, now and forever.


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Annapurnaa [annapurnaa_verse]

ยฐโ€ขโ—โ˜†โ—‹Dark dreams getting darker. โ€ข Dark Romance โ€ข Soft Romance โ•ฐโ”ˆโ”ˆโžคYES