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"What do you want?" I asked, my voice trembling with a mix of fear and defiance.

His response sent shivers down my spine, his voice dripping with malice and desire.


"You asshole! Fuck yourself!" I screamed, using every bit of strength I had left.

In an instant, he marched towards me, his face contorted with rage. He swung his right hand, striking my left cheek with a force that jolted me, sending waves of pain through my entire body.

The slap echoed in the dimly lit room, the sound reverberating off the walls. My head snapped to the side, and for a moment, everything went blurry. My vision swam as stars danced before my eyes. The sharp sting on my cheek quickly turned into a burning sensation, spreading outwards like wildfire. My ears rang, a high-pitched whine that drowned out all other sounds.

I tasted blood in my mouth, the metallic tang mixing with the bile rising in my throat. My skin throbbed where his hand had connected, each pulse a reminder of his violence. Tears welled up unbidden, not from the pain alone but from the sheer helplessness of the situation.

I fought to steady myself, to regain some semblance of control, but the room seemed to tilt around me, and I had to clench my jaw to keep from crying out again.

As my vision cleared, I forced myself to look up at him, hatred burning in my eyes.

"Abhimanyu would not spare an inch of your skin. Better start counting your days," I said, my voice shaking but laced with as much defiance as I could muster.

He laughed, a low, mocking sound that made my blood boil.ย 

"Abhimanyu?" he sneered, leaning in closer so I could see the contempt in his eyes. "By the time he figures out where you are, it'll be too late."

I glared at him, the fear still there but now mixed with a burning resolve. "You don't know him," I spat back. "He will find me. And when he does, you'll wish you'd never laid a hand on me."

His expression darkened, the amusement vanishing.ย 

"Big words for someone in your position," he said, straightening up. "But let's see how long your bravado lasts."

He turned and walked out, the door slamming shut behind him, leaving me alone with the throbbing pain.ย 

Suddenly, the yellow light went off, plunging the dimly lit room into darkness. I hung my head backwards, and hot tears gushed down my face, making the burning sensation on my cheek more intense. My lips were bleeding, but my heart was bleeding more.

I was overwhelmed by so many emotions at once. Abhimanyu had come to me, but I ran away from him, fearing that I'd give in again. Maybe that would have been better than this. At least he wasn't a bad person. He had always treated me with respect, even though our emotions and opinions often clashed.

But I had to push him away. He literally begged me to forgive him, but I couldn't. I panicked, thinking I would give in to this problematic relationship if I saw him any longer. So, I ran away to restrain myself from giving in. How foolish and immature of me.

But actually, I'm the problematic one. Didn't Nandini Maa say that he never received love and care physically? He was always away from home, away from his mother's touch, training hard to lead the underworld unit after his father. And here I was, instead of being understanding and giving it a little more time, giving up and practically running away.

Why are these realizations hitting me now? Why not earlier?

God! I clenched my teeth in frustration.

And here, this man whom I took as a good person betrayed me, betrayed our entire family. I remembered the respect and admiration I had for him. His betrayal felt like a knife twisting in my gut.

You'll pay for sure!

I thought, my resolve hardening.

He thought he could break me, but I would endure this, and I would make sure he regretted every single moment he tried to overpower me.ย 

Abhimanyu will find me, and when he does, this so-called Rathore will wish he had never caused disgrace to his family.

Abhimanyu's POV

It's been four fucking days, and we still have no clue. I didn't even receive any text from that piece of shit!

Samrat arrived at the Arslan's villa the day after I informed him of the situation. His arrival was a whirlwind of emotion, his usual composed demeanor shattered by the weight of guilt and responsibility.

"Abhi... if only I hadn't kept her escape hidden from you," he lamented, his voice trembling with anguish. "She wouldn't be in this danger. What have I done?"

I rushed to his side, enveloping him in a tight embrace, offering what little solace I could in the face of our shared turmoil.

"We'll find her, Sam," I reassured him, my own voice thick with emotion. "We'll do whatever it takes to bring her back safely."

His question about the stalker pierced through the air, a painful reminder of the secrets we had kept from each other. Guilt gnawed at my insides as I struggled to find an answer.

"I thought I could handle it," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't want to burden you with more worry. But I should have told you."

Samrat's grip on my biceps tightened, anchoring me in the present moment amidst the tumult of emotions threatening to overwhelm us.

"Don't blame yourself, Abhi," he said firmly, his gaze unwavering. "We're in this together. We'll find her, and we'll bring her home."

Over the past four days, Samrat and I spent hours poring over maps, analyzing potential locations, and brainstorming strategies with Yusuf's men. Despite our combined efforts, each passing day felt like an eternity.

As the days stretched on, hope began to wane, replaced by a growing sense of desperation.ย But as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the room, the absence of any breakthrough weighed heavily on my shoulders.

At present, the tension in the room was palpable, suffocating almost, as we sat amidst a sea of papers, maps, and unanswered questions. Samrat's presence was a bittersweet comfort, a reminder of our shared guilt and determination to right our wrongs.

"We need to expand our search radius," Samrat suggested, his voice strained with exhaustion. "We've covered every possible lead in Istanbul. Maybe she's been moved."

Yusuf nodded in agreement, his brow furrowed in deep thought.ย 

"I'll mobilize my contacts in neighboring cities. We'll cast a wider net and leave no stone unturned."

The situation back in India was just as tense, with our team tirelessly working to uncover any lead that could shed light on Samyukta's whereabouts. The threats I had been receiving, the sinister messages accompanied by images of herโ€”everything pointed to someone close to home, someone who knew us intimately. It was a chilling realization that left me grappling with suspicion and mistrust towards those around me.

Even our fathers, both former heads of the mafia, were unwittingly drawn into the fray. But for now, our families remained unaware of the danger lurking in the shadows, shielded from the harsh reality by a veil of ignorance.

My mother's daily calls served as a painful reminder of the facade I was forced to maintain. Each time she asked about Samyukta, her concern palpable through the phone line, I was consumed by a sense of helplessness. How could I confess to her the truth, knowing it would only add to her anguish? So, I remained silent, my heart heavy with the burden of deception.

She would often speculate about Samyukta's absence, attributing it to her demanding profession as a doctor. Little did she know the true extent of the danger her daughter-in-law faced, the perilous situation she had been thrust into.

The sudden call from Vikram shattered the fragile calm I had managed to maintain amidst the chaos of my love's disappearance.ย 

"Hello?" I answered, my voice tinged with apprehension.

"Abhi, call up at your home and ask who's missing," Vikram instructed, his words hanging heavy in the air.

My mind raced, trying to comprehend the implications of his cryptic message. "What do you mean, Vikram?"ย 

I pressed, my heart pounding in my chest.

As Vikram's words sunk in, a cold dread settled over me, chilling me to the bone.ย 

"You mean...someone from my..." I trailed off, unable to articulate the horrifying possibility that loomed before me.

"Yes," Vikram confirmed grimly. "I could finally crack down the location from which the messages you received earlier came. It mostly came from a warehouse just ten minutes away from our main warehouse, but one particular message came from your mansion itself."

The air seemed to thin around me, and my mind raced with a torrent of questions. How could this be happening? How could someone from within my own home betray us like this?

"What?" I managed to choke out, feeling as though the ground beneath me was slipping away, leaving me adrift in a sea of uncertainty and betrayal.

Vikram's voice cut through the haze of shock and disbelief.ย 

"Yes, Abhi. Now listen to me clearly. Since he has kidnapped bhabhi, most probably he is present with her only. So call up at home and ask who's out of station."

His words snapped me back to the urgent reality of the situation. With a firm nod, I acknowledged his instructions. "Okay," I replied, my voice strained with a mixture of determination and dread.

After I hung up, immediately called up my mother.

"Maa, is anyone out of station?" I inquired urgently as she picked up the call.

Her response shattered the fragile bubble I had been living in, finally connecting all the scattered pieces of the puzzle. Realization washed over me like a crashing wave, leaving me trembling in its wake.


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Annapurnaa [annapurnaa_verse]

ยฐโ€ขโ—โ˜†โ—‹Dark dreams getting darker. โ€ข Dark Romance โ€ข Soft Romance โ•ฐโ”ˆโ”ˆโžคYES