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"Maan! They'll kill me. Maan! Ahhhhhh..."

Her desperate cries pierced the air, fueling my sense of urgency.

"Samyukta? Samyukta? Samyukta!!!"

But there was only silence on the other end, leaving me paralyzed with fear and uncertainty.

I couldn't decipher what had just happened. The only thing running through my mind was that she was hurt, and someone was hurting her.

I felt tied up. I couldn't think straight.

"Sir, please drive back to the help center," I requested the chauffeur, my voice trembling as anxiety crept into me.

"Sure, sir." He replied, and after passing a couple of check posts, he made a U-turn. All the while, my hands and legs were shaking.

No! No! I cannot lose her. I saw her properly after a month or so.

My mind raced, replaying the last few moments of our conversation at the center. She had begged me to stay away, to give her space. But now, she was in danger, and there was no way I could stand by and do nothing.

I clenched my fists, trying to steady my nerves.ย 

"Hang on, Samyukta," I whispered to myself. "I'm coming for you."

As the car sped through the streets of Istanbul, I couldn't help but think about the Arslans. My father used to visit Mr. Murat Arslan frequently. He held Mr. Arslan in high regard, considering him a trusted ally and advisor.ย  Mr. Arslan was a man of principles, a rare breed in our world. He was known for his honor and integrity, even amidst the chaos and ruthlessness of the mafia life.

Yusuf Arslan, his son, had taken over the reins. Yusuf is different, a man of formidable strength and cunning. He commanded respect and fear in equal measure. Yusuf is a man of few words, his steely gaze betraying little of his thoughts or intentions. With his piercing eyes and a demeanor that could freeze anyone in their tracks, Yusuf embodies the perfect image of a mafia leader. If anyone could help me find Samyukta and ensure her safety, it would be him.

And now my guts are giving off feelings I don't want to acknowledge, even at the cost of my own life. The feeling that I might not find her there. That she's in deep trouble. That it won't be easy to get her back.

I'm getting a sinking sensation that Yusuf has to get involved in this. While everything is shrouded in uncertainty, a small glimmer of hope urges me to go where we met earlier, to run to her. I really wish I could find her there, hold her tightly, and take her away with me.ย 

Maybe, just maybe, she was there, waiting for me, hoping I would come for her.

Please let her be there. Let me find her, hold her, and never let go.ย 

The car came to a screeching halt outside the help center. I rushed out, my heart pounding.

"Samyukta!" I muttered under my breath as I pushed through the doors, determined to find her and keep her safe from whatever threat loomed over her.

I sprinted through the main entrance, my breath coming in ragged gasps. The guards tried to stop me, their voices merging into a distant hum, but I didn't pay any heed. Panic and determination fueled my every step.

"Sir, you can't go in there!" one of the guards shouted, but I was already past them, my eyes fixed on the hallway ahead.

My heart pounded in my chest, each beat echoing the desperate need to find my love. My mind raced with memories of her voice on the phone, the sheer terror in her cries for help.

Bursting through the doors, I scanned the room, my eyes darting from one face to another. She wasn't there. The emptiness of the space only intensified my dread.

"Samyukta!" I called out lous, my voice cracking with fear and frustration. There was no response.


I couldn't shake the feeling that she was in imminent danger. My mind raced back to Yusuf. If anyone could help, it would be him. I had to get to him, explain everything, and hope he could provide the support I needed.

But first, I had to check every possible place in this center where she might be. Maybe she was hiding, maybe she was somewhere nearby, waiting for me to come for her. I had to believe that, had to hold on to that hope.

I rushed down another corridor, shouting her name, my voice echoing off the walls. Each empty room I encountered was like a punch to the gut.

Then, as I rounded a corner, I collided with someone.

"Abhimanyu?" The voice was familiar.

It was Sakshi, one of Samyukta's colleagues and college senior.

"Where is she? Where's Samyukta?" I demanded, desperation clear in my tone.

"I... I don't know. She was here earlier but she left in a hurry when she got a call. She seemed scared."

My heart sank. She wasn't here. She was out there, somewhere, and I was wasting precious time.

I thanked her hastily and turned on my heel, heading back towards the exit.ย 

I ran back to the chauffeur, my breath still ragged and my heart pounding in my chest.

"Please, drive to the Arslans. Fast!" I commanded, my voice urgent and strained.

The chauffeur, sensing the gravity of the situation, nodded quickly.ย 

"Yes, sir."ย 

He wasted no time, starting the car and pulling away from the curb with a sense of purpose.

As we sped the car, my mind raced. The feeling of dread tightened around me like a vice. Every second counted, and every moment felt like an eternity. Samyukta's terrified voice echoed in my ears, fueling my desperation.

I knew Yusuf Arslan was my best chance. His influence and resources were unmatched. If anyone could find Samyukta and keep her safe, it was him.

Beyond that, he was a valuable ally. We had met before, during our fathers' reigns, and exchanged a few words.

The car weaved through traffic, the city blurring past us. I stared out the window, my hands trembling with anxiety. Memories of Samyukta flooded my mindโ€”her smile, her laughter, the way she looked at me with love and trust. I couldn't lose her. I wouldn't lose her.

We arrived at the Arslan estate, a sprawling mansion that stood as a testament to their power and influence. The gates opened for us, and the car sped up the driveway. I jumped out before the vehicle came to a full stop, my urgency overriding any sense of protocol.

I sprinted to the front door, where the guards recognized me but allowed me to pass only after checking me thoroughly without question. Inside, the opulence of the Arslan home contrasted sharply with the turmoil in my heart.

"Hello, Mr. Rathore," a staff member greeted me as I entered the grand foyer.

"Hello, ma'am. Please let Mr. Arslan know I'm here. It's urgent," I replied, my voice edged with desperation.

She nodded, sensing the urgency in my tone, and quickly disappeared down the corridor. Moments later, she returned and gestured for me to follow her.

As we walked through the lavish halls, my mind raced with thoughts of Samyukta. Every second felt like an eternity.

Finally, we reached a set of huge double doors. The staff member knocked, then pushed them open, revealing Yusuf Arslan standing by his desk, looking every bit the powerful figure I remembered.

"Abhimanyu," he greeted me, his emerald- green eyes sharp with curiosity and concern. "What's going on?"

"Yusuf, please," I began, stepping into the room. "It's Samyukta- my wife. She's in danger. I received a call from herโ€”she was terrified, screaming that someone was going to kill her. I need your help to find her."

Yusuf's expression turned serious. He motioned for me to sit, but I was too agitated to take a seat.

"Tell me everything," he said, his voice calm yet commanding.

I recounted the events: the call from Samyukta, her desperate cries, my attempts to find her at the center. Yusuf listened intently, his eyes never leaving mine, absorbing every detail.

He scratched his clean-shaven jaw as he let me finish.ย His eyes narrowed in thought, calculating the best course of action.

"Do you have any idea who might be behind this?" he asked once I had finished.

"I suspect the stalker who has been following her," I replied, my voice shaking with anxiety. "I had my men try to track him down, but we've found nothing so far. I didn't want to involve you before, knowing you had enough on your plate, but now I have no choice."

Yusuf nodded, his expression thoughtful.ย 

"You did the right thing by coming to me. We'll find her, Abhimanyu. I promise you that."

He picked up his phone and started making calls, his voice steady and authoritative.ย 

Yusuf Arslan's influence extended far beyond the traditional bounds of the underworld. Not only did he command respect through his family's legacy in the mafia, but he also owned the most skilled tech company in the underworldโ€”a force to be reckoned with in both legitimate and illicit circles.

"First, we'll need to gather all available intel on her recent activities and contacts," Yusuf said decisively. "I'll have my men coordinate with yours to cross-check any leads. We'll also tap into our local informants for any sightings or information."

I nodded, appreciating his thorough approach.ย 

"Thank you, Yusuf. I can't express how much this means to me."

He gave me a firm look.ย 

"You don't need to thank me, Abhimanyu. We're in this together. We'll find her."ย 

Samyukta's POV

The blinding glare of a bright yellow bulb assaulted my senses as I struggled to open my eyes. Every movement sent a sharp pang of pain radiating through my body.

My limbs felt heavy and constrained, as they were bound by sharp metallic chains. I tried to lift my head, but a sharp ache in my neck forced me to abandon the effort, leaving me gasping for breath. The memory of the vicious attack on my nape flooded back, sending a shiver down my spine.

With great effort, I managed to focus my gaze on my surroundings. The room was dimly lit, its walls shrouded in shadows that seemed to dance menacingly in the flickering light.

As the door, entangled with spiderwebs, creaked open, he emerged from the darkness like a specter, his presence suffocating the already stale air of the room.

The sight of him sent a chill down my spine, his presence casting a sinister shadow over the dimly lit room. Despite my best efforts to muster courage, my voice faltered, reduced to a mere whisper in the face of his menacing aura.

"How dare you?"ย 

I tried to muster defiance, but it emerged as a feeble plea, lost amidst the stifling air of fear that hung heavy in the room.

He chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down my spine, his eyes gleaming with malice as he surveyed my helpless form. It was a cruel twist of fate, to be at the mercy of someone I had once held in high regard, someone whose own son regarded me with respect and admiration.

But now, as I gazed into his eyes, I saw only darkness, a void of empathy or compassion.ย 

What did he want from me? What twisted game was he playing?

"What do you want?" I asked, my voice trembling with a mix of fear and defiance.

His response sent shivers down my spine, his voice dripping with malice and desire.



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Annapurnaa [annapurnaa_verse]

ยฐโ€ขโ—โ˜†โ—‹Dark dreams getting darker. โ€ข Dark Romance โ€ข Soft Romance โ•ฐโ”ˆโ”ˆโžคYES