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"She's in Istanbul."

He declared, taking deep breaths.

I raised my eyebrows, silently questioning why she wasn't in London. He understood and explained further.

"She doesn't want to face you. She knew you'd come searching for her, but she needed space."

"Samrat, someone is stalking her."

I finally let him know. My voice sounded like it was about to break. My emotions intensified as I remembered her.

She doesn't want me near her.

A sudden ache gripped my heart, clenching so tightly that my eyes welled up.

Author's POV

Suddenly, Abhimanyu crouched to the ground. He palmed his face and started crying aloud like a little baby. His sobs echoed through the chamber, raw and unrestrained, releasing the torrent of emotions he had kept bottled up for so long. Each tear was a testament to his regret, his pain, and his overwhelming love for Samyukta.

Samrat, despite the bruises and cuts from their fight, softened at the sight of his broken friend. He knelt beside Abhimanyu, placing a firm yet gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Stay strong, Abhimanyu," he urged, his voice steady but filled with empathy. "You need to be strong for her. She's out there, needing space, but that doesn't mean you should give up. She needs you to be the man she fell in love with, not this broken shell."

Abhimanyu's cries continued, but there was a slight shift, a glimmer of resolve ignited by Samrat's words. Samrat tightened his grip on Abhimanyu's shoulder, his eyes locking onto his friend's.

"You'll find her, and we'll together make sure she's safe. You just need to hold on, for her sake and yours."

Abhimanyu's sobs gradually subsided into shaky breaths. He wiped his tears with the back of his hand, his shoulders still trembling. He looked at Samrat with a mixture of desperation and helplessness.

"Samrat, I... I don't know what to do about the stalker," Abhimanyu confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "I had Vikram hack into his system, try to trace him, but we've got nothing. No leads, no clues. It's like he's a ghost."

Samrat's eyes widened in concern. "Why didn't you tell me about this sooner? You know I would have helped."

Abhimanyu shook his head, frustration evident in his eyes. "I didn't want to burden you, Samrat. You already have so much on your plate, with the business and everything. I thought I could handle it on my own, but now... now I just feel lost."

Samrat's grip on Abhimanyu's shoulder tightened, offering support and strength. "Abhimanyu, we're family. You should never have to bear this alone. We'll find her, and we'll deal with this stalker together. You need to trust me and let me help."

Abhimanyu nodded slowly, the weight of his helplessness lifting slightly as he leaned on Samrat's unwavering support. For the first time in weeks, a flicker of hope ignited within him.



"Hey Vikram! Are you able to trace Samyukta?"

"Umm...no! But how do you know she is unreachable." Vikram asked.

"C'mon I've been watching Abhi closely and I understood that he was not able to contact her."


"What but? I know him since his birth, c'mon! Now show me what you've got about her."



A day after the fight, Abhimanyu was on a plane to Istanbul, Turkey. Samrat had given him all the detailsโ€”her exact location, where she was staying, the campaign she was involved in, and the organization she was working with. Abhimanyu's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions as the plane soared through the clouds.

He gazed out of the window, his heart heavy with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. Every mile closer to Istanbul felt like a step closer to resolving the turmoil within him. Samrat's words from their confrontation echoed in his mind. The memory of the fight and the raw emotions they had both displayed felt like a turning point.

"She doesn't want to face you," Samrat had said, his tone both stern and sympathetic. "But you need to make her understand how much you care. How much you regret."

Abhimanyu sighed, running a hand through his hair. He knew this wouldn't be easy. Samyukta was hurt, and rightfully so. He had taken her for granted, and now he was paying the price. But he also knew he couldn't give up on her, on them. He had to make things right, to show her that his love was genuine and that he was willing to fight for their relationship.

The plane began its descent into Istanbul. Abhimanyu felt his heart rate quicken. He was about to enter a city unfamiliar to him, but the thought of seeing Samyukta again gave him the strength to push forward. He clutched the armrest, his resolve hardening with each passing second.

As soon as the plane touched down and the crew began preparing the exit., Abhimanyu quickly grabbed his carry-on and headed towards the exit. The bustling airport and the unfamiliar language around him didn't faze him. His focus was singularโ€”finding Samyukta and making amends.

With Samrat's detailed briefing in mind, Abhimanyu navigated through the city via a pre- arranged navy blue Jaguar. The vibrant streets of Istanbul, with their mix of ancient and modern, seemed to blur around him. He was on a mission, and nothing else mattered.

Finally, he arrived at the address Samrat had given him. It was a modest but well-maintained building, part of the organization Samyukta was working with. Abhimanyu took a deep breath, steeling himself for the confrontation ahead.

He approached the front desk, his heart pounding. "I'm here to see Dr. Samyukta Abhimanyu Rathore," he said, his voice firm despite the nerves gnawing at him.

The receptionist looked up, frowning slightly. "I'm sorry, there's no Dr. Samyukta Abhimanyu Rathore here," she said. "We have a Dr. Samyukta Chauhan, though."

Abhimanyu felt a pang of sadness and worry. She had changed her surname back to her parents'. This realization hit him hard, making him feel the weight of their estrangement even more acutely. His heart sank, but he quickly composed himself.

"Yes, that's her," he said, his voice barely concealing his anxiety. "Can I see her?"

The receptionist smiled apologetically. "She's in a meeting right now, but you can wait in the lounge."

Abhimanyu nodded, thanking her before heading to the lounge. He sat down, his mind racing. He would wait as long as it took. He had come this far, and he wasn't going to turn back now.

Minutes felt like hours as he sat there, his thoughts a whirlwind of hope and fear.

If she wants, she can always be a Chauhan. It's not even necessary for her to tag my name with hers. If I'm able to win her backโ€”which I have to, at any costโ€”I don't care if she carries the name of the Rathores or the Chauhans. If she wants, we can name our children as Chauhans too, and I won't utter a word against it.

I hope she forgives me and we can have cute kids together. What the hell am I even thinking? My heart is racing, and my mind is a mess.

Suddenly, he snapped back to reality as he heard footsteps approaching. Samyukta stepped inside the waiting area where he was asked to be present, her eyes widening in shock as she saw him. Abhimanyu stood up, his heart in his throat.


Okay! Yes, I know I didn't keep my promise of providing double updates to you, and I understand that this was very unprofessional of me.

I was trapped in a situationโ€”a family issueโ€”that prevented me from opening my laptop and publishing the chapter yesterday evening at any cost.

To make it up to you, today I'll definitely provide DOUBLE updates, and yes, this promise will be kept at any cost.

I know I've caused disappointment to you, and I won't make such mistakes in the future. I'll make sure of that.



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Annapurnaa [annapurnaa_verse]

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Annapurnaa [annapurnaa_verse]

ยฐโ€ขโ—โ˜†โ—‹Dark dreams getting darker. โ€ข Dark Romance โ€ข Soft Romance โ•ฐโ”ˆโ”ˆโžคYES