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With each step away from his office, a sense of finality settled over me, wrapping me in its embrace like a comforting blanket

With each step away from his office, a sense of finality settled over me, wrapping me in its embrace like a comforting blanket. I was done with his expectations, done with the endless cycle of grief and heartache that had defined our relationship.

I couldn't continue to mourn for what we once had, for a love that had long since withered away. After all, it takes two to make a relationship work, and I refuse to be the only one fighting for our future.

How foolish I had been to assume that we could overcome our differences, that love alone would be enough to sustain us. But now, with clarity born of pain, I saw the truth: our relationship could never thrive if both of us weren't willing to put in the effort.

Enough was enough. I was tired of trying to convince him for the sake of our whims and desires. If he believes that I'm tying his family to my wrist, then so be it. I'll give him exactly what he wants.

I'll remove myself from his life, from the lives of everyone he cherishes, so that he could have the attention and validation he is so desperately craving. How selfish he is!

I had reached out to him countless times, only to be met with silence and indifference. I had tried to make things right, by flying to him even after he left without any closure to mend the fractures in our relationship, but he has shown no interest in reconciliation.

Isn't forgiveness suppose to be a fundamental part of love? Isn't it natural for humans to make mistakes and seek forgiveness? But he has shown no willingness to meet me halfway, no willingness to see things from my perspective.

I'm so done. I give up on us, on the illusion of a love that had long since faded into nothingness even before blossoming. With a heavy heart and tears stinging my eyes, I walked away, leaving behind the shattered remnants of our once-promising future.

After settling herself on the jet, she dialed her brother Samrat's number, her voice steady despite the turmoil raging within her

After settling herself on the jet, she dialed her brother Samrat's number, her voice steady despite the turmoil raging within her.

"Hello, Sammu. Bol," came his voice from the other end of the line.

(Hello, Sammu. Speak.)

"Bhaiyaa, can you meet me in two hours?" she asked, wiping away her tears and willing herself to sound composed.

"Yes, I'll be at the office, wait for me," he replied.

"Okay, bhai sa."

"Sammu, is everything alright?" he inquired with concern.

"Aa kar baat karti hoon, bhai sa. Don't worry," she reassured him, masking her own pain.

(I'll let you know when I'm there.)

"Okay, beta. Come soon."

With a heavy heart, she ended the call, her mind consumed with thoughts of the conversation she was about to have with her brother. But for now, she focused on the task at hand, steeling herself for the difficult conversation that lay ahead.


As she sat in the waiting area of her brother's office, her mind raced with thoughts of the conversation that awaited her.ย 

From now onwards, I'll give you only happiness, Abhimanyu Singh Rathore.

I'm going out of your life, forever.

Suddenly, the cabin door of Samrat Singh Chauhan opened, and her brother emerged, accompanied by a group of delegates. They exchanged handshakes and pleasantries before the delegates departed, leaving her brother to stride purposefully towards her. She rose to her feet as he approached, her heart aching with the weight of unspoken words.

With his arms outstretched, he enveloped her in a warm embrace. Even as she longed to pour out her heart to him, to unburden herself of the pain she carried, she found herself unable to speak.

"Let's go inside," he said softly, breaking the silence with a gentle touch. She nodded silently, allowing him to lead her into his office.

When they settled onto the lavish couch in his cabin, he began.

"Say me. What's the matter."

"Bhaiyaa, listen to me carefully. I don't want any advice from you. I just want your help, and I expect you to help me by doing as I say."

"Okay," he replied, his gaze shifting to the floor as he processed her words.

"First, I want to go away to London for an exchange program as soon as possible. Arrange me a visa within a couple of days."

"Okay. For how long?"

"Six months."

He nodded in understanding.

"Second, do not let Abhimanyu know where I am. No matter what."

"What?" Ashtonishment washed over his face.

"Tsk. Tsk. Just listen to me, bhai sa, please!"

"Fine, but what will you say to the families?"

"They'll know that I'm leaving for London. And yes, he will come to know too. But the thing is, the exchange program will take us to Istanbul on a medical campaign for four months. And you are the only one who'll know about it. No one else."

"Okay...But may I know why you're doing this?"

"I won't be able to let you know entirely what's happened, but I need a break from this relationship."

"Without letting him know?"

"Yes! Just like he didn't."

"Have you thought about it nicely, Samyukta?"

"I've thought enough, bhai sa."

"Samyukta, can I ask one more thing?"


"By any chance, did he force himself on you?"

"No! No, bhai sa! Never! Never ever! He's not like that," she replied, her voice tinged with defense.

"Okay. Otherwise, I'd have killed him."

"Bhaisa, listen to me carefully. Do not let him trace me to Istanbul. I'll keep in contact with you, and if you want, you can monitor my safety, but he shouldn't get a hint of my location. I don't want to face him at all. I dn't want aything with him. Anything!" She stressed on 'anything'.

Suddenly, her subconscious mocked her.

Will he even want to trace you?

She didn't let her tears escape her eyes and continued.

"Don't let Shree or even mom know about me. If he ever comes to you, tell him you don't know."

"Don't worry about it, Sammu. I'll cover for you. But let me ensure your security, please."

"Yes, but without him getting any hint."

"No. He won't. I promise."

"Thanks, bhai sa."

She stood up to hug him, and he hugged her back, his touch a source of comfort in her time of need.

"I hope you both get what's the best. I don't know what's wrong, but I really hope it gets sorted," he said softly as she pulled away.

She didn't reply but gave a slight nod and left, her heart heavy with the weight of her decision.

I'm going away Abhimanyu Singh Rathore. Forever.


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Annapurnaa [annapurnaa_verse]

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Annapurnaa [annapurnaa_verse]

ยฐโ€ขโ—โ˜†โ—‹Dark dreams getting darker. โ€ข Dark Romance โ€ข Soft Romance โ•ฐโ”ˆโ”ˆโžคYES