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Samyukta's POV

In the whirlwind of the past few weeks, my world has revolved around Suyash and the relentless stream of emergency surgeries that seemed to consume every moment of my time. From one operating room to another, I found myself running on autopilot, my focus narrowed to the task at hand as I navigated the chaos of the hospital with practiced ease.

At home, I juggled my duties as a kaki sa and a mentor, guiding Suyash through his studies and trying to carve out precious moments of connection with Abhimanyu whenever I could. Despite the overwhelming demands of my schedule, he never once showed anger or resentment. I remember the disappointment in his voice when I had to cancel our planned date at the last minute, a surge of guilt washing over me as I rushed to the hospital to attend to yet another emergency surgery. But even in the midst of my hectic schedule, he was always there, a steady presence by my side, checking if I had eaten whenever I was home exhausted from a long day's work. That night, as I returned home to find him sleeping peacefully, I couldn't help but admire the serene expression on his face. The sight of him, vulnerable and trusting in sleep, filled me with a sense of warmth and tenderness. Carefully tucking the blanket around him, I nestled into his arms, finding solace in the quiet intimacy of our shared space. I had bought a bouquet of blue orchids, his favorite flowers, and kept a heartfelt note of apology beside the bed. My heart ached for his unwavering patience and understanding, knowing that once Suyash had completed his entrance exams, I would finally have the time to devote to him, to nurture the bond between us that had been strained by the demands of our hectic lives. With each passing day, I counted down the moments until I could be with him again, to bask in the warmth of his love and the comfort of his presence. And as I looked ahead to the future, I knew that no matter the challenges we faced, our love would always be the guiding light that led us through the darkness.

Author's POV

As the days stretched into weeks, Samyukta's absence became a constant ache in Abhimanyu's heart, her focus consumed by her duties to Suyash and the demands of the hospital.ย 

Even as the family made plans for a picnic to celebrate the end of Suyash's exams, Abhimanyu found himself unable to join them, tethered to his work obligations until the lunch hour.

Arriving late to the gathering, he observed the scene before him with a mix of longing and resignation. Samyukta was engrossed in the joy of the moment, her laughter mingling with the cheerful chatter of the family as they enjoyed the warmth of the sun and the beauty of nature. Amidst the laughter and chatter of the picnic, he couldn't help but steal glances at Samyukta, her radiant smile lighting up the day like the sun itself, her figure draped in a beautiful summer dress of pristine white adorned with delicate butterfly prints. Approaching the group, he felt a pang of sadness tug at his heart as he watched her move effortlessly among them, her attention divided between her family and him.ย 

She did made time to sit with him during lunch, her gentle smile a fleeting reminder of the love they once shared. But as the afternoon wore on, he found himself pulled back into the whirlwind of work, the demands of his job tugging at him like an anchor dragging him away from the happiness of the moment.ย 

"Can't you stay for some more time?"

Samyukta urged him to stay, her voice soft with concern, but he knew he couldn't linger, couldn't allow himself to be swept away by the tide of emotions threatening to overwhelm him.

"I'm not needed here. I think-"

With a heavy heart, he tried to explain his feelings, the weight of his heartache pressing down upon him like a leaden cloak. But before he could finish, Samyukta was whisked away by Khushi, drawing her attention away once more.ย 

As he watched her disappear into the crowd, he felt a sense of resignation settle over him like a shroud. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't compete with the demands of her world, couldn't bridge the gap that had formed between them. And so, with a heavy sigh, he turned away, his steps heavy with the burden of unspoken words and unfulfilled dreams.

As the day wore on and the picnic drew to a close, Samyukta found herself engaged in a quiet conversation with her family, the chatter of the day fading into the background as her thoughts drifted to her Maan.

Why would he say he's not needed?

It was then that she learned of his absence from home, the realization hitting her like a sudden gust of wind, shaking her to the core. In the midst of her own busyness, her focus consumed by the demands of her work and the needs of their nephew, she had failed to notice the growing distance between them.ย 

Nights spent in the hospital, tending to patients and mentoring Suyash, had left little room for anything else, blinding her to the silent cries for attention that went unanswered. A sense of guilt washed over her like a tidal wave, the weight of her neglect bearing down upon her with crushing force.ย 

How had I allowed things to reach this point?ย 

How had I let our love slip through my fingers like grains of sand?

In that moment, the magnitude of their estrangement dawned on her with painful clarity, the realization sinking in that they had drifted further apart than she had ever imagined. And as she sat there, surrounded by the laughter and warmth of her family, a sense of loss gnawed at her heart, the knowledge that she had failed the one person who mattered most to her in the world. With a heavy sigh, Samyukta made a silent vow to herself, a promise to bridge the gap that had formed between them, to rediscover the love they had lost along the way.ย 

I'll go to his office right now.

In the midst of the bustling picnic, ignoring the curious glances of her family, she made her way to Abhimanyu's office, her heart heavy with a mix of frustration and longing. Entering his cabin unannounced, she found him engrossed in a pile of paperwork, his brow furrowed in concentration. When he finally emerged from the whirlwind of files, she confronted him with a mixture of anger and hurt.

"Why haven't you been coming home lately?"

"Why should you care all of a sudden? You've been too busy with your work and your family to notice me."

His response was like a slap in the face, a curt dismissal that cut through her like a knife.ย 

The hurt in his words left her reeling, her heart shattering into a million pieces as she realized the depth of the chasm that had formed between them.

"How can you say that? They're your family too," she pleaded, her voice trembling with emotion.

Abhimanyu's expression remained stoic, his gaze cold and distant.ย 

"No no. You care about them more than me. After all, they were your family long before I came into the picture while I just came in you life just four months ago."

Samyukta felt the tears welling up in her eyes, the ache in her chest threatening to consume her whole.

"You know its not like that, Maan. I've been rea-"

"Do not ever call me that again, Samyukta Chauhan. I'm just Abhimanyu Singh Rathore to you. "We're just strangers bound by marriage."

"What! Why are you saying this?" She whispered, her voice barely above a whimper.

"I'm just stating facts, Samyukta Chauhan. We've drifted apart a long time ago. I understand, you were too busy to notice any of it. We're a mistake. A total mistake."

"Stop calling me that!" she yelled, her voice trembling with a mixture of anger and hurt.

Abhimanyu turned to face her, his expression unreadable.ย 

"Why should I?" he retorted, his tone laced with bitterness. "That's who you are, isn't it? Samyukta Chauhan, the successful doctor, an amazing daughter- in- law who's too busy to notice her husband."

Her fists clenched at her sides, frustration boiling over into rage.ย 

"No! That's not who I am," she shot back, her voice cracking with emotion. "I'm your wife, damn it! I'm the woman who cares for you."

He scoffed, a bitter laugh escaping his lips.ย 

"Care? Don't make me laugh," he sneered, his words like daggers aimed at her heart.ย 

Her eyes blazed with fury, her chest heaving with the effort to contain her emotions.ย 

"How dare you!" she seethed, her voice trembling with righteous indignation. "You don't get to dictate who I am or what I feel! I may have made mistakes, but at least I've tried to make things right."

"Oh! So should I fall on my knees in front of you and cry wells and thank you for realizing your mistake!" he retorted, his voice dripping with sarcasm and bitterness.

"I didn't mean that," Samyukta replied, her tone softer now, tinged with regret.

"Hell, you meant that!" he shot back, his anger flaring once more.

"Do not yell at me," she warned, frustration evident in his voice.

"Oh sorry, my bad Ms. Chauhan. Forgive me." He spat, his words heavy with irony.

Feeling disheartened and defeated, Samyukta turned away, her eyes shedding tears as she fled from his office, the weight of their fight heavy upon her shoulders. In that moment, all she wanted was to escape, to find solace in the quiet embrace of her solitude.ย 

As she wept alone, her heart aching with the pain of their broken relationship, Abhimanyu couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt gnaw at his conscience. He hadn't meant to hurt her, hadn't wanted to see the tears streaming down her face. But in his pride and stubbornness, he had pushed her away, driving yet another wedge between them.

As the evening descended, he returned home, his footsteps echoing through the hallway. The door creaked open, announcing his presence and jolting Samyukta awake from her reverie on the bed. She sat up, her heart racing, but he passed by her without a glance, disappearing into the washroom.

Minutes passed, marked by the sound of running water, the muffled clinks of bottles. Eventually, he emerged, dressed in a casual t-shirt and trousers, his demeanor unchanged. Samyukta watched silently as he descended the stairs to dine with the family.

Hurting from his disregard, she trailed after him like a ghost, her heart heavy with the weight of his indifference. Each step she took echoed the ache within her, a silent plea for recognition.

As they gathered around the table, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation, tinged with the bitterness of unspoken words. His mother's eye shimmered with relief and happiness. Each moment of his absence had been a dagger in her heart, yet his return sparked a fragile flame of hope within her.

But her joy was short-lived as he dropped a bombshell with casual indifference.

"I'm leaving for Bangalore tonight. Something urgent has come up, and they need me there."

His mother's smile faltered, replaced by a look of disbelief mingled with disappointment.ย 

"Can't you send someone else?" his father interjected.

But he remained resolute, his decision final.ย 

"They need me there."

Silence descended over the table, heavy with unspoken disappointment and resignation. Samyukta's heart sank further, realizing that his priorities lay elsewhere, leaving her feeling more isolated than ever in his presence.

Her heart sank as he made the announcement without a word to her beforehand.ย 

He never thought of letting me know, first. Wow. This is what we've become. Wow!

"For how long beta?" Nandini asked for clarity on his return but his vague response only deepened Samyukta's sorrow, robbing her of her appetite and leaving her sitting beside him, barely touching her food.ย 

"Not sure, ma."

The uncertainty of his departure, coupled with his disregard, weighed heavily on her.ย 

Her heart ached, tears threatening to spill, yet she held them back, unwilling to reveal the depth of her pain. Her heart clenched with the realization that his sudden departure was likely a result of their earlier fight. In that moment, she felt more alone than ever, her world crumbling as she struggled to maintain her composure amidst the turmoil of her emotions.

With a heavy heart and a feeble excuse of an upset stomach, Samyukta excused herself from the table.

Finding solace in the solitude of the balcony, she allowed her tears to flow freely, the weight of his indifference crushing her spirit.

Now, I don't even deserve to know about his whereabouts?

"You'll catch cold. Come inside," his voice interrupted her thoughts as he closed the door behind him, his concern ringing hollow in her ears.

"As if you care!" she shot back, her voice cracking with the weight of her sorrow.

"Have your dinner." He said while placing a tray of food on the tea table in front of the couch for her.ย 

"Why would you fake it, haan? Did Nandini maa ask you to take it here for me?"

He didn't respond and left towards the wardrobe.ย 

With a determined stride, she followed him to the wardrobe, her heart pounding in her chest.ย 

Seeing his back turned to her, she felt a surge of frustration and desperation welling up inside her. Without a second thought, she reached out and grabbed his wrist, her fingers tightening around his skin with all the strength she could muster. With a forceful tug, she turned him towards her, her eyes burning with intensity as she locked onto his astonished gaze.

"Answer my question," she demanded, her voice laced with a sternness that belied the turmoil within her.ย 

Her eyes, red and swollen from tears, bore into his, pleading for an explanation, for a shred of understanding in the face of his indifference.

As he turned away from her, the sound of her sobs echoed in the room, each tear a painful reminder of the rift between them.ย 

Despite his efforts to remain composed, his heart clenched at the sight and sound of her pain, his own eyes welling up with tears as he packed his luggage. He folded his shirts and trousers, his movements betraying the turmoil within him. A few drops of his own tears fell onto his clothes, tracing a path down his cheeks and neck. Swiftly, he wiped them away, unwilling to let her see the depth of his own anguish.

"Please don't leave," her whispered plea pierced through the silence, her words a dagger to his already wounded heart. Though every fiber of his being longed to stay, to hold her close and mend the fractures in their relationship, he knew he had to follow through with his decisionย ย 

For too long, he had felt like an option in her life, uncertain of where he truly belonged. But he knew that if he looked at her tear-streaked face, he couldn't bear to lose her, even if it meant risking his own heartbreak. With a heavy sigh, he continued packing, his stoic facade crumbling with each passing moment.ย 

The redness of his eyes, the hollow look in his gaze โ€” how could he hide the pain of leaving her behind? She was becoming his everything, his reason for being, and yet he was willing to walk away, all in search of the clarity he so desperately craved. As he zipped up his suitcase, he was willing to take that leap of faith, no matter how painful it may be to find his rightful place in her life.

"Take care."

And he left.ย 


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Annapurnaa [annapurnaa_verse]

ยฐโ€ขโ—โ˜†โ—‹Dark dreams getting darker. โ€ข Dark Romance โ€ข Soft Romance โ•ฐโ”ˆโ”ˆโžคYES