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Abhimanyu's POV

She lowered her eyes in embarrassment, but their intimate moment was interrupted by a knock on the door of the room.

Immediately, we pulled over, and she tried fixing her dress while I went to unlock the door. Pallavi bhabhisa was standing outside, looking very worried.

"What happened, Bhabhisa?" I asked.

"Abhimanyu, Suyash...is having...having panic attacks...again. Please...ask Samyukta...to come...come over. He needs her," she stuttered while explaining.

"Yes, yes, Bhabhisa," I replied and hurried to the bathroom to call her.

"Bhabhisa is here, baby. Suyash is panicking again. You should go to him," I explained the situation to her while she was washing off the gulaal from her face.

When I finished, she was already worried.

"I'll go to him right now," she declared while wiping her face with the bamboo towel, and I nodded in agreement.

She left, and I tagged along with her. We headed towards his room. The door of his room was locked, and the entire family was gathered outside. Papa tried to convince him to unlock the door.ย 

Pallavi bhabhisa was already in tears, and everyone else was trying to console her, but I didn't find Suraj bhai sa anywhere.ย 

Where are you, bhai sa?

Samyukta went forward and signaled my father to stop banging the door.

"Suyash, it's me, Chachi ma. Are you fine? Just let me know that much," she tried to talk to him in a soft and gentle voice.

We waited for a minute until we heard his voice from inside.

"No, I'm not," said Suyash from behind the doors. His voice felt weak.

"Do you want some more time, beta?" she asked again.

"Yes..." his voice was shaky. He was crying.

"Okay. I'm waiting here. Take as much time as you want. Do let me know when you're ready to meet me," she said.

"I don't... don't want to... meet anybody else. Ask... ask everyone else... to go. Even mom... you...you just stay," his voice indicated he was crying.

"Okay. As you say, beta," Samyukta replied in her gentle tone.

She turned towards Pallavi bhabhi sa, grabbed her shoulders, and said.

"You need to be strong. He doesn't want to see you crying here; otherwise, he'll be more anxious. You go downstairs. I'll handle him," she explained.

"But..." Bhabhi sa tried to protest, but Maa and everyone else helped her understand, and they all left downstairs.ย 

I went a little away and stood by the railings to be ready just in case they both needed me.

"See, Suyash, everyone has left. Let me know when you are ready to talk."

We waited for a few tense moments, exchanging worried glances with each other. Suddenly, we heard the door unlock, and Suyash emerged from behind. His face was drenched with tears, and he did not look fine at all. He couldn't spot me, so he came forward to Samyukta and hugged her around her waist, breaking down into tears.

Samyukta hugged him back tightly, and together they disappeared into his room as the door locked behind them. I went downstairs and informed everyone that he had let her inside, bringing some relief to the tense atmosphere. However, bhabhi sa's condition didn't improve; she continued to shed tears while everyone else tried their best to reassure her that everything would eventually fall into place.

Bhaisa had still not arrived.

I went to her and gently placed her head on my midriff, stroking her hair in an attempt to calm her down.

"Don't worry, bhabhi sa. He'll be fine," I reassured her.

She had always been such a joyful person and a good friend of mine. Like a mother figure to me, she understood that I didn't like talking much to everybody or expressing my wishes very explicitly. Yet, she would occasionally make my favorite food or come to talk to me and ask if I was alright. She's a fun person, and seeing her like this makes my heart ache.

"Where did Bhaisa go?" I asked her.

"I don't know," she replied, her voice heavy with sorrow. "He's never there for us. Always busy here and there. I wish he'd talk to Suyash, ask if he's fine. I don't know what to do," she sobbed, her tears soaking into my kurta.

We tried to reassure her that Bhai sa might be busy with the company, and I promised her that I would talk to him.

Later, I received a text from Samyukta, informing me that Suyash was fine and asking everyone to relax as she would stay with him.

Everyone retired to their rooms, including me. I attempted to call Bhai sa, but he didn't pick up, so I messaged him, explaining that his son needed him and the situation. I waited for some time, but I didn't receive any reply.

He might be busy. He will contact me once he sees my text.

With that thought in mind, I went for a bath, and afterward, I took a nap to relax myself.

Samyukta's POV

We entered Suyash's room, and I quietly locked the door behind us. He sat on the bed, his posture slumped and defeated. The dried tear tracks on his face told the story of his silent struggle. His eyes were red and puffy, a reflection of the emotional turmoil raging within him. My heart ached at the sight of his condition, knowing the depth of his pain and the weight of his burdens.

I wish I could take away all of his pain.ย 

Such breakdowns are unfortunately all too common among medical aspirants. The path to securing a seat in a medical college is paved with immense hard work and countless sacrifices. The pressure to excel can weigh heavily on one's shoulders, pushing them to their limits and beyond. It's a relentless journey that tests not only one's intellect but also their mental and emotional resilience. Suyash's struggle is a reflection of the silent battles fought by many aspiring doctors. The weight of expectations, the fear of failure, and the relentless pursuit of perfection can take a toll on even the strongest of souls. Each day is a battle against self-doubt, exhaustion, and the ever-present specter of uncertainty. As a fellow medical student, I know firsthand the magnitude of these challenges. I've witnessed the toll it can take on one's mental health, the moments of despair when the burden feels too heavy to bear. But I've also seen the strength that lies within each aspiring doctor, the unwavering determination to persevere despite the odds. In just a couple of weeks, Suyash will have to face his entrance exams โ€“ the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. But amidst the pressure and the anxiety, he needs someone to lean on, someone who understands the depths of his struggle. That's where I come in โ€“ a companion on this tumultuous journey, offering support, empathy, and a shoulder to lean on. With the right guidance and support, I believe Suyash will emerge from this darkness stronger than ever before. I'll be there, silently cheering him on, knowing that he carries within him the resilience and determination to overcome any obstacle that comes his way.

I sat beside him on the bed, and for several minutes, we remained in silence. I wanted to give him space to collect his thoughts and find his voice amidst the turmoil within him.

Suddenly, he began to speak, his voice barely audible.ย 

"I'm sorry," he whispered.I turned to him, puzzled.ย 

"For what?" I asked gently.

"For creating a scene," he replied, his tone flat and devoid of emotion.

"You didn't create a scene," I reassured him. "I've faced a similar situation when I was preparing for my medical entrance too," I confessed.

"Really?" His eyes widened with a hint of surprise, as if realizing he wasn't alone in his struggles.

I hummed in response.

"Both your bua and I have gone through such breakdowns together. We've had each other's backs through it all. And I'm here for you," I shared, hoping to offer him some comfort and reassurance in his time of need.

"I don't know what to do," he shared, his lips quivering and voice breaking. He was on the verge of shedding tears once again, overwhelmed by the weight of his emotions.

"Everyone is there helping me out. You, Mom, Chacha sa, Dadi sa, Dadu sa, Badi Dadisa, Bade Dadu...everyone. Literally everyone. And here I am. Useless. I won't be able to do anything. Despite all the privileges I have. What will be the result? My failure," he shared, his voice choked with emotion as tears continued to trickle down his small, innocent face. The weight of his self-doubt and fear of failure seemed to crush him in that moment.

I didn't stop him from crying. Crying can be cathartic; it helps us lighten the burden of emotions we've been holding onto for too long. When the weight becomes unbearable, tears offer a release, allowing us to let go of the pain and anguish that have been weighing us down. So I sat there beside him, offering silent support as he allowed his tears to flow freely, knowing that sometimes, it's okay to let it all out.

"Why do you think you'll fail?" I asked gently, wanting to understand the root of his fears and worries. It was important to delve deeper into his thoughts to offer him the support and guidance he needed.

"I've not been able to study for the past two days. My mind has been foggy all the while. No matter how much I try, I cannot concentrate at all. Whenever I open the books, the letters dance in front of my eyes and my head begins to swirl, until I close the book and get away from my study space," he explained, his voice tinged with frustration and exhaustion.

"Okay. First, calm down," I said softly, gently stroking his hair and rubbing his back to offer comfort.ย 

"Take deep breaths." He followed my instructions, inhaling and exhaling slowly, allowing himself to find a moment of calm amidst the storm of his emotions.

"I guess you know how to swim, right?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood with a question.ย 

He looked at me with confusion, unsure of where I was going with this. I blinked my eyes once, a silent gesture urging him to trust me. Slowly, he nodded his head, although the confusion still lingered on his face.

"Okay. Change into your swim clothes, quick!" I urged, hoping to inject some energy and enthusiasm into his demeanor.

"O...kay..." he replied uncertainly, his voice reflecting his lingering doubts. He got up and went to change, while I headed towards my room to gather my swimming costume, determined to lift his spirits and provide a much-needed distraction from his worries.

As I entered the room, I saw Abhimanyu sleeping like a cute little baby. A smile instantly appeared on my face at the sight of him. He seemed so peaceful, and seeing him relax a little brought me a sense of peace as well. His busy work schedule causes him constant tiredness. Hence, moments like these make me happy that he is finding solace and rejuvenation in the midst of life's chaos.

I grabbed my swimsuit from my wardrobe and headed into the bathroom to change into it. Once ready, I draped my bathrobe around me and made my way towards the swimming pool situated at the center of the lawn. Suyash was already waiting there when I arrived. With a smile, I asked him to jump into the pool together with me. Taking his hand, we both plunged into the refreshing water. As we resurfaced from the chlorine-blue water, I noticed a smile had already erupted on his face.ย 

This is exactly what I wanted to see!ย 

"Let's go for a race," I said enthusiastically, eager to infuse some fun and excitement into our time together.ย 

He nodded eagerly, and we made our way to the narrower end of the oval pool.

"Get. Set. Go!" I exclaimed, signaling the start of our impromptu race.

Author's POV

With a burst of energy, they both propelled themselves forward, slicing through the water with determined strokes. Samyukta matched Suyash's pace at first, but as they approached the halfway point, she deliberately slowed down, allowing him to take the lead. Suyash surged ahead, his movements fueled by a newfound sense of confidence. He reached the other end of the pool first, a triumphant grin spreading across his face as he turned to see Samyukta approaching behind him. She smiled to herself, knowing that this moment could be a small victory for him amidst his struggles. Her eyes sparkled with pride as she watched Suyash revel in his victory.

"Yayyayaya!" She cheered him while he laughed his heart out.

In that moment, she knew that this simple race had brought a glimmer of joy and accomplishment to his troubled heart. And for her, seeing him happy was the greatest reward of all.

"Uhuh...I wish I had won," Samyukta whined playfully, displaying a fake sadness in her eye.

"Okay, let's do best of three," Suyash suggested, eager to continue the friendly competition.

"Nope, best of seven," Samyukta countered with a grin, her eyes sparkling with mischief.ย 

She wanted Suyash to physically exert himself, knowing that the exercise would help release the toxicity building up in him, aiding his anxiety. Besides, the rush of endorphins from the physical activity would also lift his spirits and clear his mind, making him feel more refreshed and rejuvenated.ย 

Suyash reluctantly agreed, knowing that Samyukta wouldn't budge. They began their race, each stroke propelling them forward with determination.ย 

After a few rounds, they took short breaks to catch their breath, laughing and teasing each other in between.ย 

As the rounds progressed, Suyash's confidence grew, and he started to enjoy the friendly competition. Finally, after a series of close races, Suyash emerged as the ultimate victor. With a triumphant grin, he playfully splashed water on Samyukta, celebrating his hard-earned victory.ย 

His laughter echoed through the pool area, and Samyukta couldn't help but join in, feeling a sense of contentment wash over her. They continued playing in the water, enjoying each other's company as the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the surroundings. The serene atmosphere and the joyous laughter of the duo created a moment of pure bliss, washing away all their worries and anxieties. For a while, he forgot about his troubles and simply savored the beauty of the moment.

As Suyash continued swirling in the pool, Samyukta leaned back on the surface beside the pool, taking a moment to rest. She called for the home staff to send some refreshments to the pool area.

After a while, Suraj came running towards them, his expression filled with worry.ย As Suraj reached the poolside, he looked visibly relieved but still concerned.ย 

"Samyukta, thank you for being here. I was so worried when I got Abhimanyu's message. I couldn't get away from work sooner."

Samyukta smiled warmly, reassuring him, "Don't worry, Bhai sa. Suyash is doing much better now. We had a good swim, and he's feeling much more relaxed."

Suddenly, Pallavi emerged from the house with a tray of snacks and refreshments, joining them by the poolside. She explained to Suraj how Samyukta had been instrumental in helping Suyash.

"Samyukta has been such a great help to Suyash. He seems visible relaxed. Thank you so much, Samyukta."

Suraj nodded gratefully, taking a seat beside Samyukta. "Thank you, Samyukta. I'm glad you took out time for him. I really appreciate you looking after Suyash like this."

Samyukta smiled, her eyes following Suyash's playful splashing in the pool. "Of course, Bhaisa. Anything for Suyash. I'll be with him until his exam is over since the situation might relapse. So, I want to make sure he is alright."

Suraj nodded understandingly, his gaze also fixed on Suyash.

Pallavi, standing beside them, chimed in, "Yes, Samyukta, be there for him. I'm sure he feels much better with you around."ย 

Her words comforted them as they both left towards the house, allowing Samyukta and Suyash to enjoy some more time together.

Watching the interaction below from the balcony, Abhimanyu felt a sense of pride and contentment wash over him. He admired Samyukta's ability to provide solace and support to those around her. It wasn't the first time he had witnessed her comforting presence soothe their family members. Whether it was a moment of distress or celebration, everyone instinctively turned to Samyukta, knowing she would be there to offer her unwavering support and guidance. Abhimanyu couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence in their lives, knowing that her strength and compassion bound their family together in times of both joy and adversity.

As he watched, Abhimanyu couldn't shake off the desire to spend more intimate moments with Samyukta. Their intense moment interrupted by Suyash's breakdown, but he understood the importance of supporting family members in need. Pushing aside his longing, Abhimanyu resolved to cherish the moments they shared, knowing that they could always find time for each other later, perhaps under the quiet veil of night when the world around them slept and their hearts could speak freely.

Abhimanyu's heart raced as he admired Samyukta in her swimsuit, the fabric accentuating every curve of her body. The desire to hold her close, to feel her warmth against him, grew stronger with each passing moment. He imagined pulling her close, savoring the taste of her lips in a deep, passionate kiss. Yet, he restrained himself, knowing that now wasn't the time. As he gazed at her, his longing intensified, mingling with the joy of simply being near her, even in the midst of family chaos.

Probably tonight. He thought.

Suddenly,ย Abhimanyu's blood ran cold as he read the threatening messages recieved by his phone.

Unknown: Tada! How've you been? How's my baby, Abhimanyu?

Abhimanyu: Who the hell are you? What do you want?

Unknown: You'll see. Soon. You'll see me take her in front of your very own eyes. She looked so ravishing in that anarkali, today. I wanted to paint her entire body with all the colourful gulaal. But, guess what! I've saved some gulaal for painting her. Yes!

Abhimanyu: You sick bastard! If you lay a finger on her, I swear I'll...

Unknown: Oh, what will you do, big brother? Cry? Beg? Plead for mercy? It won't matter. I have plans for her, and you can't stop me.

Abhimanyu: I'll tear each piece of your skin and pour acid on your wounds!

Unknown: Oh, I'll come near her, alright. And when I do, it'll be too late for you to stop me.ย  She's just so... irresistible. You'll see. Soon.ย 

Abhimanyu's heart pounded in his chest, his mind consumed with thoughts of protecting Samyukta. He had to find out who this mysterious person was and stop them before it was too late. He couldn't bear the thought of anyone laying a finger on Samyukta, let alone threatening her in such a vile manner.

He stormed off the balcony, his heart pounding with frustration. The chilly breeze did nothing to cool the heat of his anger as he stomped towards his home office.ย 

With a forceful push, he swung the door open, the sound echoing through the silent room. As he stepped inside and slammed the door shut behind him, he felt a momentary release, barricading himself from the world outside.

Seating himself hastily at his desk, he reached for the phone and dialed Vikram's number, his fingers trembling with agitation. As soon as the call connected, he erupted like a volcano.

"That bastard texted me again!" His voice reverberated with fury, each word dripping with venom.ย 

"Track that asshole any damn way possible. Within two bloody days!"

Vikram's voice, steady and calm, tried to penetrate the storm of rage.ย 

"Okay, calm down. I'm already on it."ย 

But there was no calming him down now. His frustration boiled over, his shouts filling the room like thunder in a storm.

"I cannot fucking calm down, you understand!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, the words ricocheting off the soundproof walls. Thankful for the isolation, he let out a primal yell, venting his pent-up emotions into the empty space otherwise the whole family would've gathered in front of the door.

As the call ended, he slammed the phone down with a resounding thud, his chest heaving with the intensity of his rage. Each breath felt like fire in his lungs, his whole body trembling with the force of his emotions. His fists clenched tightly, nails digging into his palms as if trying to contain the explosive energy coursing through him. Sweat beaded on his forehead, his muscles tense and taut as if ready to spring into action at any moment. In that moment, he felt like a volcano on the brink of eruption, a tempest of fury swirling within him, threatening to consume everything in its path.

As his phone buzzed with Samyukta's message, a wave of conflicting emotions crashed over him like a tsunami. The words on the screen, simple yet loaded with meaning, pierced through the armor of his anger, stirring a tumultuous storm of feelings within him.


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Annapurnaa [annapurnaa_verse]

ยฐโ€ขโ—โ˜†โ—‹Dark dreams getting darker. โ€ข Dark Romance โ€ข Soft Romance โ•ฐโ”ˆโ”ˆโžคYES