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Abhimanyu's POV

Today, I am finally returning home, and my excitement is uncontrollable. I've never felt such eagerness to be back home. My longing for her is indescribable. Despite being engrossed in work here, her thoughts have been constantly present in my mind. I eagerly waited for the clock to strike seven every evening so that I can call her.ย 

I'm aware that she's close to my family, so she won't be feeling lonely at home. However, the loneliness here has been overwhelming.ย 

Author'sย POV

Abhimanyu's trip to Bangalore was for the purpose of checking the new jewelry collection designed by the team here for the upcoming Samanjasa Collection. The Bangalore designers have done an exceptional job, crafting around a hundred designs. Selecting just twenty for the collection was a challenging task for him. While he may not have overtly displayed his happiness, he did make sure to express his appreciation for their hard work. His professional life, shaped by his experiences in the mafia, has taught him to be cautious with words. He prefer saying just enough in his interactions with colleagues and office associates.

He has chosen a specific anklet design from the collection to gift to his wife. Interestingly, he didn't approve this particular design for the general collection as he want it to be exclusively hers and nobody else.ย 

Abhimanyu's POV

I personally awarded the designer of the anklet with a whopping thirty lakhs. Recognizing and appreciating exceptional work is important, and I believe in rewarding the well- deserved while also punishing the well- deserved.

Currently, I'm in my jet, eagerly waiting to reunite with my darling after a week of separation. She texted me that she reached home after a twelve-hour-long surgery. I'm certain she must be asleep now; working continuously for twelve hours is undoubtedly mentally and physically draining for doctors. I deeply appreciate the dedication and hard work of medical professionals, and I'm immensely proud of my baby.

I remember, before our marriage, around four months into her DNB, I summoned the Head of the Gynecology department to inquire about her progress. I disguised my intentions by asking about the overall department's performance. To my surprise, he specifically commended Samyukta for her hard work and intellect. He mentioned that he refrains from expressing too much praise in her presence to avoid overconfidence but admires her work when she's not around.

She has the potential to lead the department in a few years.ย ย 

Samyukta's POV

I'm so tired right now. The procedure took twelve hours, two hours more than I expected. I don't have the energy to go to the airport anymore. Still I want to go as I've promised to pick him up. I didn't even have dinner, I want to eat with him. I straight came to our room, took off my clothes, took a bath. I wore a kurti- patiala pant and went to the bed to lie down a bit. I still have an hour to reach the airport.ย ย 

As soon as I covered myself with the duvet, I drifted to a deep sleep. I didn't even set an alarm.


Feeling a gentle caress on my hair, I woke up abruptly to find him leaning over me. A spontaneous smile lit up my face, but soon, the reality of the situation dawned on me. I glanced at the digital clock beside my bed, it displayed eleven at night.

"I didn't go to the airport!" I exclaimed, a hint of panic in my voice.

"Shhh..." He hushed me, placing his index finger on my lips. "It's fine. You're tired."

"No! I promised you..." I responded with a tinge of sadness, my forehead creasing.

"Babe, you have a whole lifetime of opportunities to pick me up from the airport. Don't be sad," he reassured, bringing a smile to my face.

Noticing that he had already freshened up and changed into casuals, he mentioned, "I heard you didn't have dinner."

I nodded, admitting, "I was waiting for you."

"Okay. We'll have dinner together, but first things first. I've got something for you," he said excitedly, and I raised my right eyebrow inquisitively.

"You'll find out," he said, understanding my unspoken question. Gently pulling my right arm, he helped me sit up. I eagerly assumed a both- knees- erect position, ready to see what he had brought for me.

He retrieved a long blue velvet box from the closet and sat in front of me. Opening the box, he lifted a beautiful golden anklet and gently adorned my right leg first. Pushing the hem of my Patiala pant upwards, he repeated the process with my left leg. I couldn't help but feel so romantic. I turned to my left, hanging half of my legs from the bed to examine the anklets.

"They're beautiful," I expressed, smiling.

"You like it?" he inquired, and I nodded eagerly.

As we sat there, waves of emotions surged within me, and a tension seemed to rise between us. A sudden heat permeated the room, and I found him looking at me with the same intensity I held for him. Some magnetic attraction drew us closer, and our faces gradually closed the distance. Our lips met.

My upper lip pressed against his upper lip, and my lower lip nestled between his. We melted into a deep, yet tender kiss. The embrace lingered until we were breathless, the sound of our heavy breaths filling the silent room.

After a while, he delicately tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, leaving me blushing and unable to meet his gaze.

Eventually, he cleared his throat and suggested, "Let's have dinner." I nodded, and he continued, "Do you want to eat here?" I shook my head, not wanting things to escalate too quickly. I needed more time.

"Okay, let's go," he said.

We left the room for the kitchen. The house helpers were already gone. So, I decided to heat the food by myself. I heard him open a kitchen drawer. Turning around, I saw him taking out a couple of plates and contemplating for a moment before addressing me.

"Do you want to eat in one plate?" he asked.

I nodded and looked down, blushing. He washed the plate and placed it on the counter, and I served the food on it.

"Why don't we sit here?" I suggested, patting the counter. He agreed, and while I hopped onto the counter to sit, he simply placed himself there due to his greater height.

We ate in silence. After finishing the food, I placed the plate in the sink.

"Do you want to have ice cream?" he asked, making me nod excitedly and earning a chuckle from him.

He brought out the tub from the freezer and scooped some pista ice- cream into the bowls I had set on the counter.

"How was your trip?" I asked to break the prolonged silence.

"It was good. We finally got ready with our collection. Soon, we'll have a product launch event," he replied.

"Nice," I said.

"How was your day?" he asked.

"Pretty hectic, but the surgery was successful, so nice," I responded. He hummed in acknowledgment.

We returned to our room. As I slid under the duvet, facing the ceiling, he settled beside me, maintaining a slight distance. I sensed his hesitation, perhaps contemplating whether I appreciated the kiss.ย 

To dispel any uncertainties, I moved closer, resting my head on his chest, and placed my left hand on his abdomen. He responded with a gentle kiss on the crown of my head, marking an unspoken reassurance.ย 

He gently caressed my hair that made me lull into a peaceful sleep, embraced by the comforting touch of his hand.


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Annapurnaa [annapurnaa_verse]

ยฐโ€ขโ—โ˜†โ—‹Dark dreams getting darker. โ€ข Dark Romance โ€ข Soft Romance โ•ฐโ”ˆโ”ˆโžคYES