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Samyukta's POV

Abhimanyu came back last week, but we couldn't meet because he had a lot to do for the wedding in just four to five days. He had to choose outfits for the engagement, pre-wedding rituals, the wedding, and the reception. He also had to personally call his business acquaintances to invite them. I know this since I saw my brother go through all this during his wedding.ย 

We're going to meet directly at our engagement ceremony. Unfortunately, we didn't have a chance to text each other due to my hectic schedule. I had to finish all the planned surgeries before the wedding to clear my schedule, working day and night, doing more than four surgeries a day. It was a challenging week. On top of that, I had to handle wedding arrangements, inviting friends and seniors. Despite sending invitation cards, I felt it was proper to personally call them. One of my seniors lives in London, and my parents asked me to arrange her tickets for both arrival and departure. My to-do list was quite extensive.


Today is our engagement, and we'll finally meet after almost a year. The event is taking place at Rathore's farmhouse with tight security among close friends and family.

For the occasion, I chose to wear a peach-colored saree paired with a diamond set and a maang tikka. I opted for nude makeup to complement the saree.

At six-thirty in the evening, I was called to the hall of the farmhouse where the ceremony was taking place

At six-thirty in the evening, I was called to the hall of the farmhouse where the ceremony was taking place. Upon entering, I saw Abhimanyu already present. He smiled at me, and I returned it shyly. As I approached the stairs to climb the stage, he offered his hand to help, and I gladly accepted. He held my hand until we reached the couch where we were to sit.

"You're looking gorgeous," Abhimanyu said. I blushed and replied, "Thank you."

"How're you?" I asked.

"I'm good. You?" He replied.

"I'm fine too."

He looked stunning in a peach-colored kurta set, completely slaying the look.

He looked stunning in a peach-colored kurta set, completely slaying the look

We didn't engage into any more conversations. I saw him working in his phone. Such a workaholic he is!

As the guests started arriving, he got engaged with them. The ceremony officially began with us exchanging rings and then cutting the cake. Throughout, our friends hooted and cheered, leaving me in a blushing mess.

Then we were called for some photoshoot. Since it was dusk, the setting sun provided a beautiful background for the pictures. We awkwardly posed, and when the photographer asked us to look at each other, we sensed each other's awkwardness and shared a shy smile.

We awkwardly posed, and when the photographer asked us to look at each other, we sensed each other's awkwardness and shared a shy smile

The day concluded with toasts presented by my brother, followed by Abhishree, our grandparents and then our parents, and so on.

Abhimanyu's POV

I reached our farmhouse today in the noon after completing all the pending tasks. Upon reaching our farmhouse this afternoon, I immediately headed to my room for a shower. When I came out of the bathroom, I saw was lunch placed on the teak table. I know Maa kept it. I ate and went to sleep as I'm very tired and a long evening is ahead.

I rose at four finding my outfit for the day thoughtfully arranged by Maa in my room. I got changed into the attire, put on my Rolex watch, set my hair and went down to the hall where the engagement will take place.ย 

I focused on overseeing the arrangements and conversing with my close associates who held significance in the mafia. These were trusted figures who had been key players during my grandfather's and father's times. They are crucial to the survival of our organization, and I deeply respect them for their experience and wisdom.

At sixty- thirty, I saw Samyukta coming down the stairs along with Shree and our mothers. She is looking so charming in that saree. She looks the best in saree. Always. Her long hair was flowing down her back. She had adorned a beautiful smile on her face. When she came down the stairs her father went to her and kissed her forehead. My father also went to her and patted her head. She bent down to take their blessings.ย 

Anjali Badi Maa insisted I sit on the couch at the stage center. Despite my attempts to help, she playfully scolded me and urged me to rest. Anjali Badi Maa is like a mother to me. She is cherished by my mom for her support when she came as a newly married woman into the family. Both Badi Maa and Bade Papa are the talented head designers at Rathore Jewels. Anjali Badi Maa is a career woman, and in the past, my mom cared for Suraj Bhaiyaa when his parents were busy with the company.

I went and sat on the well decorated couch. Samyukta came in front of the stairs to climb the stage. I went to her and offered my hand to help her climb them. She took them and it felt so nice to touch her soft palms. They're cold probably due to nervousness. I took her to the couch and helped her sit. To ease her I thought of complementing her.ย 

"You're looking gorgeous," I said. She blushed and replied, "Thank you."

We didn't talk much except asking about each other's well being. I didn't know how to initiate a conversation with her, so I immersed myself in checking my emails on my phone. She, too, didn't start a conversation and sat there, holding the hem of her saree.

Later, I talked to some guests. Soon we're informed the ring exchanging ceremony will take place.ย 

Shree and Samrat came with our rings on the stage. They handed us the rings. I initiated the ceremony, taking her small left palm on my left palm gently and pushing the solitaire into her ring finger. She smiled shyly at me and took my left hand, doing the same. Our friends hooted and cheered for us, and the audience clapped. We sat back at our place as guests came one by one, handing over gifts and bouquets. I introduced some of my associates to her, and she greeted them.

Soon, our friends brought a cake for us to cut. We cut it and fed each other a bit of it very awkwardly. Soon, the cake was taken to the dinner section to serve the guests.

While having dinner, suddenly Samrat stood up to announce something with a glass of champagne in his hand.

"Okay," Samrat cleared his throat and continued, "Everyone, may I have your attention for a moment. First of all, I want to say how incredibly proud and emotional I am today. My little sister is now officially engaged, and I can't believe how time has flown. To Samyukta and Abhimanyu, may your journey together be filled with love, laughter, and endless joy. Cheers!

This time Shree stood up to take her turn. She began, "Thank you, Samrat. Well, I've known both Samyukta and Abhimanyu bhaiyaa for a long time now, and let me tell you, he's not just gaining a wife today, but a whole crazy, loving family. To the beautiful couple, may your lives be filled with shared laughter and togetherness. Cheers!"

Chauhan dada sa stood up this time. "To family and friends, let us honor this joyous occasion and extend our heartfelt wishes to Abhimanyu and Samyukta. May your marriage be a reflection of enduring commitment, weathering the storms of life with unwavering strength. May the years ahead be adorned with countless moments of happiness and shared dreams. Here's to the newlyweds โ€“ may your love story be as timeless as the stars. Cheers!" Upon the mention of the love story, we exchanged an awkward glance, quickly turning away when our eyes met.

Shakuntala dadi sa began, "As we witness the union of two beautiful souls, I raise my glass to wish them a lifetime filled with the gentle whispers of affection and the profound joy that comes from a shared journey. May your days be bathed in the golden glow of everlasting love. To Samyukta and Abhimanyu, Cheers!"

My dada sa said this time, "As we gather here to celebrate the engagement of Abhimanyu and Samyukta, I want to offer my warmest wishes. May your days together be blessed with the sweetness of shared joys, and may the love that unites you today continue to grow with each passing moment. To the radiant couple, may your journey be a tapestry of beautiful memories. Cheers!"

My emotional dadi sa began, "Abhimanyu and Samyukta, may your bond be a source of endless inspiration, where the echoes of love and laughter fill your hearts. As you embark on this beautiful journey together, may it be adorned with the grace of enduring companionship. Here's to both of you, Cheers!"

Mr. Chauhan, my soon-to-be father-in-law, took over. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for being here to celebrate this special day with us. Today, we're not just gaining a son, but we're also gaining another wonderful family. To Samyukta and Abhimanyu, may your love be a shining example for all of us. May your life together be full of happiness and your bond only grow stronger with time. Cheers!"

Sarla kaki sa took her turn and said, "I just want to add a few words. To Samyukta, my beautiful daughter, you've grown into a remarkable woman, and today you embark on this precious journey. I'd like to say something to our charming groom. Abhimanyu, today, as you officially become a part of our family, may your bond with Samyukta be as strong as your character. Here's to a future filled with shared smiles and cherished moments. Cheers!"

My father stood up, cleared his throat, and began, "A moment, please. To Samyukta, you're not just gaining a husband; you're gaining a friend and a supporter for life. As you both step into this new chapter, remember that a successful marriage is not just about finding the right partner but being the right partner. Cherish the small moments, weather the storms together, and build a home filled with love, respect, and shared dreams. Here's to the beginning of a beautiful journey. Cheers!"

My maa stood up this time, and I felt a lump in my throat looking at her. Her eyes held an emotion. An emotion that is serene and content. She began, "First of all, congratulations to both of you! Samyukta, as you seamlessly blend into our family, our hearts embrace you with boundless joy. May your connection grow unbreakable, and may you stand by each other through thick and thin. To the newlyweds, here's to a journey adorned with countless joyous chapters and an unbreakable bond. Cheers!"

The guests cheered, and some more well-wishes were extended to us.

After dinner, we left for our respective mansions.

Next week is our wedding. I gazed around my room, realizing that soon, it won't be just mine. I need to make room for her in the closet and bathroom drawer. Tomorrow, I'll ask Meena maasi, one of our house helpers, to organize the space. I plan to buy a couple of towels and a bathrobe for her as well. She should feel comfortable here.


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ยฐโ€ขโ—โ˜†โ—‹Dark dreams getting darker. โ€ข Dark Romance โ€ข Soft Romance โ•ฐโ”ˆโ”ˆโžคYES